A silence settles beside us, leaving the two of us to our thoughts while my healing kicks in on my fractured rib. Hearing from an outsider’s perspective about the restricted area confirms that I made the right decision to wait until I am truly ready to use the moonstone again. I don’t want to admit it, but the vision took more out of me than I expected, and because of this, it made training a lot harder today.
For now, I just need to focus on becoming stronger and smarter if I want to claim what is rightfully mine.
?Chapter 11-Bittersweet Decision?
I sit in front of the moonstone orb, questioning whether I should put my hands on it. Three weeks have passed since Ira brought me to this room, and each day I would spend an hour either before training or after training, staring at it, wondering if I am ready to know the answers to my other questions. Sadly, the answer has been no. I am not ready because there is so much I need to learn, so much I need to do before I can ask the questions needed for me to beat Coro and Alexander. I have barely learned about Avilla the Dark Witch of the North. Little is known about her, and so before I can learn how Coro gained his immortality, I need to learn about Avilla.
“You ready to go?” I jump as Geminie comes up behind me, with Destiny in her arms.
“Almost. I just wanted to spend an hour alone and figured this would be the safest place.” I admit, standing and making my way towards the Future Goddess. I smile at Destiny, taking the toddler into my arms when she reaches out to me and resting her against my hip, placing a kiss on the two year old’s forehead.
“Well you’ll be leaving in a few hours. I think this trip will be good for you since you’ve lived in the palace all your life.” My friend states as the two of us walk out of the restricted area, the doors closing behind us. We navigate the labyrinth of shelves in the library, making our way out into the hall. I turn and look back at the room I have sat in for the last four weeks learning as much as I can and silently thankthe ones who recorded the knowledge. It helped me make the decision to journey away from the werewolf world for a moment and learn more about life outside of the palace and werewolf community.
“You can always come visit and read more.” Geminie states, a knowing look in her eyes as she takes Destiny from my arms and places the toddler on her feet, allowing her to run ahead of us.
“I know. I plan to at least every summer, maybe sooner if I can learn more about Avilla and what spells she created.” I smile, following the Alpha wolf while we chase after her daughter and silently walk the temple halls towards the exit. I have to leave, to find my own answers first and grow stronger. Once we exit the temple and enter the parking lot, I look back at the building that has housed and protected me. This is the place where I learned the truth of myself and my family, and of what I need to do in order to grow stronger. I will have to move forward now, towards claiming the throne, but the road ahead will be difficult.
“Are you sure I can’t come with you?” Turning towards the person that asked the question, I spy Matrix leaning against the Hummer gifted to me by Amberle. With a sad smile, I rush to my best friend and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back, his face buried in my hair.
“You can’t, Trix. I need to do this on my own.” I answer, taking in his scent.
“But you need me. You need protection.” He tries to argue and I sigh. As much as I love my best friend and his protective behaviour towards me, I can’t grow into the Alpha Queen I want to be with him always keeping me safe.
“Matrix, I need you to train as well. Amberle and Geminie already said you can train in their packs while I do my own training and growing.”
“Your pictures are spread all over the world already through the website. Alexander still believes you’re biologically his and wants you captured alive to produce an heir.” He continues, trying to argue his way into coming with me. With a sigh, I pull away from my friend and look him in the eyes, needing him to understand just how serious I am in doing this on my own.
“Matrix, they are after me, not you. If they see you with me, you’ll be killed.” I begin, holding up a finger to stop whatever protest he was ready to bring out.
“I will be staying in the human cities. If anyone tries to take me there, the laws of the humans will protect me. And if that doesn’t work, I still have my silver dagger.” I watch as he sighs in defeat, knowing that I am right and him coming with me will do more harm than good.
“Not only that, but Crystalline has a lawyer friend of mine to visit. He is an immensely powerful Vampire that has been around since her parents first came to rule and has her inheritance tucked away. She will be safe.” Ira calls out behind me.
“On top of that, I hope this Vampire can help me find answers on Avilla and Coro. He is an Ancient and has a coven of his own. I am sure he can help me,” I add with a smirk. Turning to face the Priestess, I make my way into her open arms, accepting the hug from her as well.
“Keep in touch, Princess.” She whispers into my ear.
“I will. I promise.” With this, she releases me and I say my goodbyes to the others, Ariven gifting me a set of silver throwing knives and Amberle expecting me to call every week. I realize I went from having only Matrix by my side to having a family of wolves who accept me for who I am, not just as the next ruler of the werewolves.
Sapphira and Esmerald hand me drawings they drew forme, their little faces looking sad that I have to leave. I spent days after training running around with these two on my back in the forest, being as playful as a pup, and have grown close to the twins.
“You two behave for your mommy, okay.” I say to them, bringing them into a hug.
“We will, Aunty Crys.” Sapphira answers. I ruffle her hair before turning and giving Brent and Destiny a hug as well. Hopefully soon, I can visit these pups and maybe have them join me in Toronto one summer.
With a sad smile, I climb into the driver’s side of my new vehicle, a gift from Ira, and drive away, fighting back the tears of bittersweet happiness of leaving everyone behind, watching the trees that hide the Temple from view pass by me and the hidden gravel driveway becoming concrete roadway.
For the first time in my life, I feel like I am saying goodbye to my home and family.
?Chapter 12-A Journey with New Friends?
I sigh as I pull over, my tears blurring my vision and making me unable to drive. It’s been two hours since I left the temple and it takes everything not to turn back. But I can’t. I have to keep going and make my way to Toronto so I can hide from Alexander and find my own way in life before I can take the throne. Taking deep breaths, I wipe away the tears and calm myself down, even with the feeling of homesickness kicking in harder than I expected.
Deciding I need some fresh air, I turn the Hummer off and step outside, making sure to bring my silver dagger with me before locking the vehicle. Thankfully, I had pulled into a rest stop that leads to a hiking trail, so no one would question a car left unattended here. With a grin, I walk into the forest, relishing in the freedom of being one with nature for a moment without any constraints.
The fresh air brings the scent of the forest to me and somewhere in the distance I can smell a river. I will miss this, miss the fresh air when I am in the city. I will have to make trips out of Toronto frequently to get this tranquil feeling that I have now. I find myself in a small clearing, my feet subconsciously leading me to the river I smelled.
The water rushes by and I think about Amberle and Geminie, how the girls would sneak me treats and wine even knowing I am still technically underage, how Dominic and Ariven would spar with me. I wonder if I will have a sparring partner in Toronto or if I will have to hunt down my brother’s Soulless and fight them as training. I still wonder how theSoulless came to be and how they are connected to Coro. Maybe the answers I get about Avilla can give me this answer.