[The valley?]
[Yes.] Our link is cut after that, with Ariven understanding the need to be alone and process everything after reminding me the meeting will be in four hours. I walk slowly through the calm, quiet forest of the morning,spotting wolves from Hidden Claws on patrol and following behind to watch how the few I have seen do their job.
Sadly, the wolves miss many areas that would be blind spots to the pack, spots that can be used by Soulless for an attack on this pack. I make a mental note of the general area of each blind spot and watch the lazy wolves who during mid-patrol decide to hunt down a deer and take a quick lunch break, leaving half the carcass to rot. This deer could have been used to feed the pack, but these two wolves were greedy.
[Ariven?] I call out as I continue to follow these Hidden Claws wolves, always staying down wind but close enough that these wolves should have spotted me.
[Ask Mika who is on patrol on the northwest side of the pack.] I command, the link going silent for a few moments as I continue to follow the wolves.
[Mika says Sebastian and Samule Bright. Why?] Ariven returns three minutes later and I frown. Sebastian and Samule were horrible wolves, their parents are best friends with the Blakes. Because of this closeness, the twins became my main bullies, always causing a scene or sabotaging my chores in order to get me punished. I now understand why these wolves are lazy doing their job.
[Add Mika to our Link.] I order, feeling a presence in my mind soon pop in like a connection rushing in. I want to fight this instinct telling me not to trust this new connection, but with a few deep breaths I accept the link and the connection merges smoothly into my mind.
[Mika here.] His voice flows into my mind and I shiver with disgust, not liking Mika in my space more than usual. Pushing personal feelings aside, I share memories of what the Bright twins have been doing, feeling anger and annoyancefrom both men inside the link, as Ariven and Mika each let out a growl in frustration.
[Damnit! How could these two be so incompetent?!] Mika questions and I chuckle.
[Considering their Alpha was someone’s bitch for years, makes sense to me.] I retort without thinking, hearing Ariven chuckle. I have a feeling this is not what Mika wants to hear as I feel his annoyance directed to me. I shrug it off, ignoring my ex-mate, and decide to trot back to the guest house.
[You need to learn which wolves are with you as Alpha, and which are with the Blakes. I have a powder that can help that made by a local witch to my pack. We use it on Rogues we question when joining our pack to get their honesty.] I continue, hearing a sigh from Mika as my response.
[I can get some portioned out and bring it to the meeting.] Ariven volunteers and I thank my friend. With this issue brought to light, I remind the two I will be at the meeting and that Mika is to have a list of all wolves, their pack rank, and the list of jobs each wolf does. This pack needs restructuring after nearly fourteen years of the Blakes’ influence. After Mika agrees, I push him out of the link and sigh, my mind becoming peaceful once more with him gone from it.
[Can we talk?] Ariven asks and I growl.
[Later. I am still mad at you.] I answer, shutting off the link and focusing on returning to the guest house so I can prepare for this meeting, now that I know whatto expect.
?Chapter 21 – Restructuring?
I sigh as Mika and Lace continue to argue over the pack’s finances, with Lace wondering why six-thousand dollars were spent on alcohol monthly as Mika tries to move the conversation into a different direction. I have a hunch on why the money was spent that way, one that causes me immense pain every time Mika decides to throw a she-wolf into bed with him. But I will let Lace figure it out on her own.
“Mika, please tell me you did not spend six-thousand on she-wolves?” Lace asks, rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“It was Bastian’s idea. He said I needed a mate and would throw lavish parties for me to meet she-wolves!” Mika finally shouts out and I roll my eyes. Of course it would be that bastard’s idea, knowing what happens to a she-wolf when her mate screws around with another she-wolf is something every werewolf learns in sex-ed.
“No wonder Geminie hates you! I hate you!” Lace shouts, the room going silent as I look at a fuming Lace who glares at her brother. If looks could kill, Mika would be dead.
“What do you mean?” Mika asks quietly, hurt evident on his face as he stares in disbelief.
“I was one of the few wolves who never harmed Geminie after she was disowned. I watched you and your friends hurt her, watched as you beat her. She wasn’t the reason our parents were killed, the Blakes were. Fuck, you were there that night and watched our mother get be-headed.” Lace continues, eyes full of tears as she clenches her fists. I can feel the power of an Alpha radiate off of her, something I have yet to feel from Mika, and surprise fills me. Maybe Mika isn’t fit tobe an Alpha. But Lace sure is.
“You allowed them to make our pack weak, even after becoming Alpha. You stopped allowing Omegas to train, and so I had to secretly train them in order to keep up their basic combat skills. I had to run the pack, something an Alpha should do, since you and Bastian went out to party every month. I had to organize patrols and hunting parties so that we didn’t starve. You did nothing, Mika!” She is screaming by the time she ends her rant, tears of anger and frustration running down her cheeks. I instinctually rush to Lace’s side and pull her into a hug, the blonde she-wolf instantly subbing into my shoulder the moment she feels my comfort.
“You ruined our pack, a pack our parents and ancestors worked hard on. You’re not fit to be an Alpha.” She whimpers making me sigh. Lace is right, Mika is not fit to be an Alpha if the paperwork is any indication. Every last sheet - except the finances - has her signature on it, some even with her own handwriting, as I notice rescheduling on some. Even the list of Omegas she kept separate for the secret training was brought and scrutinized.
“I am the oldest, that’s why I am Alpha!” Mika exclaims. I frown, glaring at the wolf across the table from Lace and I.
“Oldest doesn’t necessarily means best fit.” I point out, seeing a look of defeat on his face. I sigh, motioning for us to take a break. Without hesitation, Mika rushes out of the room, and Lace collapses into her chair. Ariven smiles as he hands the two of us bottles of water before exiting the room as well.
[I’ll follow Mika and leave you ladies to talk.] He links me and I thank him, taking the chair beside Lace as we sit in awkward silence.
“I never blamed you, Gem.” Lace cuts the silence and I turn to look at the deflated she-wolf, who is nowfidgeting with the cap of her water bottle.
“I knew that the death of my parents was caused by someone in the pack doing a bad deed. I even looked into the situation and had a witch help me bring up my memories. They were from your father’s pack, weren’t they?” She continues and I sigh, something I find myself doing a lot lately since coming here, before running a hand through my hair as I stare out the window.
“Yeah, they were." I admit, remembering the interrogation that happened just before the Luna was killed.