“Geminie Blake, Mika will always be more important than you, and that is final.” She yells. My father stands silently behind her, disappointment mixed in with his angry gaze as he continues to stare down at me. I hate both of them. I hate their unfair treatment and reminders that I am not important, that I will be nothing but a mate to some wolf one day and must be an obedient lady.
Without another word, tears falling down my chubby cheeks and the stinging sensation on the left side of my face, I take off to the woods behind me and rush towards where I can feel safe and loved. My father’s shouting for me to return, along with fear of any punishment they will give me if I turn back, fuels me to run even faster towards the river, where I can hide my scent from anyone who tries to follow me.
Alex taught me this trick where if you enter a river until it is up to your knees and walk in either direction, the water washes away any scent a werewolf can follow and allows you to get away safely. My direction is the waterfall north of the pack territory’s boundaries. My safe spot lies just beyond the flowingwater.
Wading into the shallow part of the river, I wipe the tears still falling from my eyes to help me see as I make the two-hour trip to the waterfall that falls from the large mountain our pack sits in front of. I soon find the vines that climb up the side of the rocks that I easily slide behind. Keeping inside the small stream that flows into a hidden cave, I let the glowing moonstones guide me toward my destination. The stream breaks into two and a light at the end of the cave indicates sunlight. A lush meadow greets me, my short legs hidden in the tall grass and wildflowers as I walk towards the weeping willow tree, wiping angrily at my tears. This is my happy place; I refuse to cry here.
“Gem, who hurt you this time, Little Wolf?” A soft, melodious voice fills my ears as I lean against the tree where she waited.
“My parents, as usual,” I whimper, feeling strong arms pick me up and hold me gently to a warm body, one who smells like the wildflowers here.
“What happened this time?” Lizaria, the elf who guards this hidden meadow, continues, her long black hair blowing in the wind as she comforts me.
“The usual. Alex and I were playing but I was told to leave him alone. I will never be important to them, will I?” I answer, my voice growing quiet as I look into the elf’s green eyes.
“You are bound for remarkable things, Little Wolf. I can see it,” She says instead, always dodging my questions. I pout, tears flowing down my chubby cheeks once again. Lizaria sighs, carrying me from the comfortable shade under the willow tree towards the small lake where unicorns drink and frolic around.
“Little Wolf, one day I may not be able toprotect the unicorn. Witches and werewolves, especially Soulless, hunt them for the magic hidden in their bodies and their blood." Lizaria sighs out, playing with my hair. I nod, understanding that the unicorn population has dwindled, only a few herds left and under strict protection.
"Do you know why I let you come in?” She asks, her eyes holding pride at the hidden home she protects. I shake my head no after thinking, my white curls bouncing with the movement as a light breeze brings the scent of flowers closer to us.
“Because you look at them as friends." She answers, surprising me as I look at the unicorns once more.
"I was wary that day I found you here, curled up amongst the foals, fast asleep. Always sending you back home every chance I could, but you would show up without failure every few days, tears staining your cheeks as you cuddles a foal.” Lizaria smiles at me, her slender fingers wiping away the tears from my face as she kisses my forehead. That was last year after a fight father and I had. I followed a comforting scent up the river and that’s where I saw the unicorns.
"One day, I hope you can take up the mantel and protect these creatures. You respect and love them as much as I do." Lizaria finishes, my eyes widening for a moment.
“Do you mean it?” I ask quietly, hiding my face in the crook of her neck.
“Of course, Little Wolf. I know this herd will be in good hands with you. Now, go to sleep, it’s late. You’ll wake up at home soon.” Lizaria’s voice soothes me to sleep, my eyes closing and my little body exhausted from all the crying and being held safely by the elf I think of as my mom.
“Gemmy, is this where you have been hiding since the argument?" A hand shakes my shoulder gently awake, and myeyes slowly open to see Alex looking worriedly at me. His hand touches my face, causing me to wince, and his eyes harden in the dim light. I most likely gained a bruise from that slap earlier today. I am in Alex’s closet, lying on a teddy bear two times the size of my small body, as the clothes hanging above me hide me from view in case anyone comes looking for me. This is the same place Lizaria always sends me to keep me safe, she knows that Alex will protect me from our parents.
“Yes, I fell asleep crying.” The lie comes easily as Alex ruffles my hair and carefully scoops me into his arms with a sigh. Silently, my brother carries me into my room and tucks me into bed, a look of sadness in his eyes that I have never seen before.
“I always tell them that you always hide in my room when you run away, but they never listen. You’re my little sister, and I know you, Gemmy.” Alex starts off, running his hands through his hair and staring outside my window at the Full Moon shining down on us, a warm glow from the white orb in the sky bringing me a sense of peace.
“I know, Alex.” I yawn, giving my brother a sleepy smile at his concern.
“Go to bed, Gemmy. You have a big day tomorrow with the Alpha Family, hopefully that bruise fades by then.” He bids me goodnight and flicks off the lamp beside my bed before getting up and leaving me to sleep under the comforting glow of themoonlight.
?Chapter 4 – Bloody Picnic?
"Now you know the rules, Geminie. Be polite and don't eat too much. You're a lady, not a Rogue." My father warns, and I nod, my curly white hair bouncing with the movement. Mother and Father set lofty expectations for me the moment I was old enough to hold a fork. Sit with your back straight and hands folded in your lap. Never rush to eat your food, and only eat what is on your plate—never ask for more. Never speak unless spoken to, and if I do not follow this rule when out in public around other pack members or dignified visitors, then Father will punish me.
I learned quickly what a leather belt felt like against my skin the first time I asked for more food when I was hungry. After that, I obeyed each rule without a fuss, even if my back hurt from sitting straight for so long or if my stomach protested for food in the middle of the night.
“I understand, Father and I will behave properly,” I answer quietly as I catch Alex clench his fist and glare at our father from behind him. After my first and only punishment for not following these rules, Alex and our cousin Gracie helped me with moving around and cleaning the wounds caused by my father’s rage. I know that my brother is thinking about those long and painful four weeks I spent last year.
I can tell both my father and mother, are about to say something else in warning to make sure I am a well behaved lady, but the front door behind me opens, revealing the easygoing smiling Alpha Sorus as he walks in and ruffles my curly white hair. A tall man with black hair and tanned skin, Alpha Sorus always has treated me like one of his own, lettingme be a pup and enjoy myself to the fullest. I feel safe with him and always wished that he had been my father and not the man who yells and threatens me whenever I do something displeasing to him.
“Sorry I’m late, Bastian. Mika was trying to find his new toy car to show Gemie here. You know how kids are.” Alpha Sorus explains, looking down and winking at me.
I know that Alpha Sorus secretly wishes for me to be his son’s mate, to bond our families together. I had overheard my father and him talk about it one time when waking up in the middle of the night to use the washroom and I remember how happy the thought of being related to Alpha Sorus made me.
“It’s fine, Alpha, I understand.” My father answers, smiling warmly. Mother stays quiet, giving me one last warning look to behave before excusing herself and heading into the kitchen. I can never understand why my parents always warned me to behave. Can’t they see that I’m a good girl?
I stay silent as the Alpha and my father talk about pack matters, Alex giving me a reassuring smile.