"Where did you come from?" I ask, laughing, taking in the small brunette before me who stands a good three inches shorter than me. It was clear she is a runt, but this was a gift as a Tracker. Short, fast, slim, and able to blend in were qualities a great Tracker had, and this she-wolf has it.

“Since day one, I stayed near the front, studying you. It was hard to learn your movements since at any moment you can change directions and be gone in an instant, especially with Alpha Leo chasing you, but today I got lucky. I had a feeling I could catch you for some reason, so I listened to my instinct, staying in the middle to conserve my energy and get into a rhythm while still being able to watch you. When I felt like it was the right time, I took the chance, and I got the scarf.” I could see the pride in her eyes as she spoke, albeit a little winded. But she had the talent and determination I was looking for. At the time, she was fifteen, and an early shifter the year before at fourteen. Many picked on her for being a runt, but Abby always had her training with me even if she could never keep up. Back then, her hair was long, almost trailing to the ground, but now it was cut into a bob. Gone was the childish girl I would give pointers to, replaced by a young adult I would say is just about to turn eighteen.

“You’re little, Scarlet. I remember training with you and how you would always cry because you couldn’t keep up with me.” I exclaim, happy to put a name to this young she-wolf before me.

“I’m surprised you remember me.” Scarlet chuckles, handing me the scarf.

“Of course I do, and I’m glad you’re the one who got the scarf. Looks like I found your new Head Tracker, Leo.” I direct my statement to the Alpha, whose heated gaze roams my slightly damp body caused by laying on the snow-covered earth. I glare at him until Dominic comes up behind me, pulling my body against his and resting his head on my shoulder.

“As promised, you get the rest of the day off. Tomorrow, the real training begins.” Dominic states with an easy-going smile. I could sense a glare directed towards us, catching Leo glaring at Dominic and me. I guess Dominic must have seen it as well because I am pulled closer into his embrace, feeling Dominic kiss my forehead and nuzzle my hair. A loud growl of jealousy is released from my ex-mate. Zack steps in and pulls Leo away from everyone, leading him towards the pack house.

[I got him, little sister. Besides, I’d rather see you with Dominic than with this piece of shit.] Zack tells me through our sibling link, one that has laid dormant for almost ten years. I realized just how shallow my brother’s loyalty to Leo is and felt happy that his move to Blood Moon in the next two weeks was a good call. He would be happier there, and so would his mate and pups. With my hand in Dominic’s, our group of wolves ignores the scene Leo makes, and we make our way to the pack house. The Forest Paw wolves have earned the training day cut short.

“Tomorrow, Lease, Dominic, Miles, and Christian will train the Forest Paw wolves. I want to take Scarlet and train her one-on-one.” I call out above the happy crowd of wolves, getting an excited grin from Scarlet and a yes ma’am from everyone else. It felt nice being as one in a group of wolves working towards the same goal, the goal of becoming stronger. I was proud of Forest Paw, even though I was no longer one of them.

Making our way into the house, I head directly to the hot chocolate machine and prepare two glasses of the tasty drink. Scanning the room, I find Dominic settling down at a table situated in front of a large window. I promptly make my way over to him and place the cups of hot chocolate down beside the two plates loaded with food. As I pull the chair out to sit next to Dominic, I feel strong arms wrap around my waist, and my body falls onto someone’s lap, only to realize that it is Dominic holding me, his head resting on the crook of my shoulder.

“Have I told you how proud I am of you?” He asks, sitting up straight and pulling me closer to his chest.

“No, why?” I reply, slightly confused as I reach for one of the two plates, deciding to enjoy the meal in this cuddling position.

“Well, I am. I thought that at some point during this trip, we would have to restrain you from killing anyone. But you have completely surprised us. Other than Mia, who completely deserved what she got, you’ve focused your energy on training these wolves. You’ve even reconciled with your brother.” Dominic’s words have my hand pausing in the air before I place the full fork back onto the plate. He was right, though. I thought by now I would have killed one of my tormentors. The most surprising thing that came out of this trip is the fact I’ve been around Leo and, as of lately, haven’t felt any pain from the mate bond. I came into this trip thinking this was a bad idea, but now I think I gained a lot from returning to Forest Paw, instead of losing something.

“Thank you, Ice,” I whisper, tilting my head back to place a kiss on Dominic’s jawline.

“But I have this feeling that I can’t place. Hidden Claws is just below us in strength. Their account of being attacked by Soulless and having a hard time dealing with them doesn’t make sense.” I voice my concern with this whole situation, finally talking through the one part that has been nagging me about Hidden Claws. I could also see Dominic deep in thought from my words, his own eyes focusing on the table before us while he digests everything. Being a strong pack, Blood Moon rarely has Soulless attacks. Yes, we have had our fair share of Soulless wandering onto our territory, but they are so far gone and sickly that we’re able to give them a quick death, so that their souls can be with the Moon Goddess in her court.

“Let’s focus on this when we get back to Blood Moon. I have a feeling you’re right about something strange happening at Hidden Claws.” After about ten minutes of silence, Dominic finally speaks. I can tell that he has his suspicions as well, but he is right. It will be safer to talk about this whole possible Soulless army situation and strategize with our pack at home.

With a sigh, the two of us focus on a lighter topic as we eat. Normally, on Dominic’s birthday, we would all relax and lounge around, but having to deal with Forest Paw has turned our usual routine into a stressful day.

“What do you think you’re doing with my mate?!” Leo shrieks from the entrance of the dining room, his glare piercing through the crowd and landing squarely on Dominic and me. Anger boils inside me at his absurdity, my appetite ruined by the scene Leo is causing as he marches towards where I sat with my best friend.

“I am not your mate!” I retort, a growl escaping my lips, causing Leo to pause a few feet away from us. My eyes narrow as I glare at the man who thinks he has a claim on me. I can feel Dominic tensing below me, his arms wrapping around my waist in what I realize to be a possessive manner. My heart skips a beat with his touch, but I have to deal with Leo before I try to figure out my reaction to Dominic.

“Yes, you are my mate, Amberle,” Leo argues back through clenched teeth. I could see his hands fisting into a ball while Axel and Zack move closer, ready at any moment to restrain the young Alpha.

“Get this straight, Leo. You are not my mate. You rejected me on my eighteenth birthday two and a half years ago. Then, I rejected you and your existence. If you think I’m going to take you back, then you thought wrong in whatever delusional world you live in.” I state, hearing a gasp from amongst the crowd. It’s no lie that Leo bragged about rejecting his mate, making up excuses for it. I had heard my fair share of rumours from my friends, Ivory, Kent, and Kevin, as well as from Axel and Serena. I knew about the many girls he slept with from the pain that wracked my body each time he did. He was never there for me at all after my parents’ death, and he tortured and abused me with Mia. Even if he accepted me as his mate back then, I would have rejected him myself.

“Now, with everything cleared up, Dominic and I have to go get ready for our date!” Something inside me compels me to make this statement. Climbing from Dominic’s lap and to my feet, I feel my friend quickly stand up and wrap his arm around my waist. Leo is held back by Zack and Axel. Blue steps between us to keep his son away from me, as Dominic and I make our way out of the pack house and into the front yard.

“Ask it.” I state, rolling my eyes as Dominic and I find ourselves away from the pack house, away from the many prying ears and eyes, and safe within the dense forest.

“A date, Amberle?” Dominic asks in a whisper, pulling us to a stop and bringing me closer to his body. I can feel his eyes focused on me, waiting patiently for an answer that I had a hard time putting into words. My cheeks grow hot in the winter air, knowing full well that Dominic can see the blush that now spreads across my face. Taking a deep breath, I decide to admit the truth.

“It…it felt right calling tonight, what I have planned for your birthday, a date,” I answer honestly, turning to look at Dominic. I find myself barely able to breathe as our eyes meet, his ice-blue gaze swirling with many emotions that I know are meant only for me. I find myself trapped in a trance I didn’t want to escape from as Dominic rests his forehead on top of mine.

“When Leo caused that scene, everything I said was instinct, that taking you on a date felt right.” I continue, my voice a whisper in the quiet night, as if anything louder would ruin my moment. In the blink of an eye, I find myself wedged between the trunk of a sturdy tree and Dominic, our bodies flush against each other in a way that nothing could tear us apart from one another. His right arm is wrapped around my waist, keeping me trapped against him, as his left hand grasps my fiery locks, pulling my hair gently until my head is tilted towards him. His lips descend onto mine in a possessive kiss, filled with passion and… Love?

My eyes widen for a moment in shock until the reality of the pain that would usually accompany me because of the waning mate bond is non-existent. My arms instinctively wrap around Dominic, my lips moving in sync with his as I accept his kiss.

That’s when I feel it, the sparks. A mouth-watering scent surrounds me and tingles from where Dominic’s skin touches mine, igniting a feeling in me that I haven’t felt for a long time.

“Mate!” He whispers loudly against our kiss, the shock having both of us pull back as the revelation of what he just said settles into our minds. Mate, we were each other’s second-chance mate. Tears begin to fall down my cheeks as our lips crash together once again, this time both of us being able to use this gesture to show the feelings we’ve kept pent up for the last year and a half. These feelings were for each other alone.

Love, hope, happiness, and relief fill me, knowing that I’m with a man who has been there for me since we first met. This is the man who, after knowing my true identity as the wolf that stole from him, still trusted me with his whole being. I finally have a mate who I know, without any sliver of a doubt, will love me for the rest of our lives. Now that both of us are finally free from our own rejected pasts, I have Dominic, and he will always have me.

Chapter 18 - Heat of the Party