My store was a bakery and gift shop located in downtown Kenora that sold delicious treats enjoyed by locals and tourists and traditional herbal medicine and tea made from the fruits, berries, and medicinal herbs from my own greenhouse. I also sold sculptures and furniture carved from the fallen trees of the forest and dreamcatchers made under the night of the full moon each month. Everything I made had my own brand image on it: a pawprint inside a heart made of flames. It symbolized the community’s name for me, Fire Foot.

Wolves from different packs in the area also come to my store for the sweet treats I made, along with the fresh, sweet berries I grew all year round in my greenhouse that I had expanded over the year and the original works of art. Some would even leave orders for specific furniture for their homes. They all know that I’m a rogue, but because I took the time and invested my money into something that wouldn’t harm the werewolf community, they were more than happy to buy from my store.

My store became so popular within its third month of opening that I bought the building attached to it and expanded. The new addition allowed me to work with local artisans and wolves from various packs who wanted to sell their own special goods. I created sections that allowed the artisans to rent so they can sell their products. They were allowed to come in early each morning to stock their designated display units for an hour and leave while my employees managed the store. They knew the rule that if they caused a fight with any of the other artisans, the ones fighting would be banned from entering and selling in my store.

The best part about my employees is that some were rogues who were looking for a fresh start. They came to my store looking for work when they realized the owner is a rogue too. Some were even fresh out of culinary school, and, with a bit of training, they were able to bake the treats to my standard—sometimes even better than me.

I’m proud of what I’ve built in the last year, but today I had put a notice on the door and gave everyone an advanced warning that I would be closing for a weekend vacation. I wanted this day all to myself to reflect on this past year and to celebrate my birthday. Cake and food waited for my return home, and so did a marathon ofThe One Hundredon Netflix. Today is definitely different from last year.

I yawned and stretched out on the soft grass below me as the scent of wildflowers float around me in the breeze, my eyes closing to enjoy the sounds of the peaceful lake. This place is in the middle of neutral territory. I had gone for a run about four months back after work to release some stress when I came across this lake. The water shimmered under the moonlight, and you could see straight to the bottom due to how crystal-clear the water was. It’s hard to get to this lake by car, and it looked to be undisturbed by humans, with thick trees protecting it from view and fields of wildflowers all around. This is also where I came the next day to carefully pick some rare flowers and transport them to a new section of my greenhouse to grow and cultivate. They made amazing skincare and beauty products, as well as delicious teas.


I must have dozed off sometime after lying down because I found myself staring at a beautiful sunset over the lake. Hues of red, orange, pink, and white cause the lake to look like a glowing gemstone under the waning light. The sight is breathtaking, and I couldn’t help but pull my phone out to take a picture. I wanted to paint this scene and sell copies in my store soon, maybe include a silhouette of a wolf or a pair of wolves in the foreground enjoying the view.

"Comfy?" A deep voice comes from slightly behind me, startling me. I drop my phone and unsheath my hidden dagger from my thigh, my body prepared to attack. Soon, my eyes meet those of a wolf I knew all too well, the ice wolf and Alpha to the Blood Moon Pack.

"I was until you spoke." I joked, putting the dagger away and getting a chuckle from him. I couldn’t help but admire his looks. His tan skin and strong muscles were still the same as when I first met him. He slowly walks towards me until he stands right in front of me, the wind behind me blowing in his direction so he can take in my scent. I couldn’t help but size him up as he towers above me. I looked up at him, but not once did I feel scared or intimidated by this Alpha.


"Wanted to thank me? I already heard it the first time." I smile, getting a bewildered look as I cut him off. I couldn’t help but chuckle as he goes deep into thought before sending a warm smile my way.

"You were there?" The Alpha asks, turning to look at the water. I nod in response before sitting back down on my spot in the grass, surprised when the Alpha takes a seat beside me.

"Thank you for the herbs, by the way. I sell medicine I make with them at my shop. The wolves who buy them always come back." I break the silence that settles between us as I look at his profile. He quickly turns to look at me with shock at my gratitude.

"The only place in the town that sells medicine is-“

"Fire Heart Bakery and Gift Shop. I know," I chuckle, sending a mischievous wink his way.

"Wait! Are you Amberle, the rogue wolf who owns that shop?" His face is a mixture of shock and awe as he stares at me, making me laugh at the Alpha wolf staring at me as if he met his childhood idol for the first time.

"Yes, nice to meet you mister-"

"Dominic DeValorse." He answers, finishing my sentence and shaking my outstretched hand.

"I think I like Ice better." I retort, rolling my eyes for a moment and returning my attention back to the lake.

"Ice? Why Ice?" Dominic asks, his head tilted to one side, puzzled. Gone was the image of a battle-hardened Alpha, as his nature is so carefree and childish. I couldn’t help but giggle—yes, actually giggle—at how he looks. It feels nice not having to worry about a wolf attacking me for being a rogue and have a proper conversation.

"Because of your fur. It’s like mine, but like living ice." He laughs at my answer, and I stick out my tongue at him childishly before we both end up laughing under the setting sun. Feeling safe around this wolf, whatever vigilance against Dominic that I had before vanishes. I begin to ask questions about his pack, learning about how he’s made new treaties and allies peacefully, which is surprising considering most packs prefer war over peace. Our topic changes to questions about my store, and pride swells within me. I loved the store I have spent months growing, and how everyone who works under me has become a family in every way. Everything is great until Dominic asks a question I did not expect.

"So, I have to ask, why are you out here all alone? What made you go Rogue, because you’re an amazing wolf?" I go rigid at his question, pain etching itself through my body. I knew wolves would ask eventually about my situation, but talking about it still hurt, the wound still too fresh to bear at times.

"You don't have to tell me, Amberle. By the looks of it, this is a hard subject for you." He adds quickly, and I sigh. I see the concern and care in his eyes as he shifts closer to me, his hand resting on my shoulder.

"It’s been a year now. It started the night my parents died when I was nine." I start, and then the story of my life unfolds. Dominic is a great listener, nodding and allowing me to just talk without interruption. I talk about the hunters, the abuse, the pain, and the rejection. By the end of my explanation, I’m hugging my knees to my chest, watching the water in the lake roll gently, back and forth.

"Wow." That is all Dominic whispers in response as silence settles once again between us. Surprise fills me when strong arms wrap around my small frame, and I am pulled into a sturdy chest, and Dominic settles his head on top of mine. His scent of mint and pine surrounds me, and I can’t help but take it in, letting him comfort me as my tears finally fall for the first time in a year. I let out all the hurt while this stranger holds me close and comforts me.

“You are so strong to have survived all this.” He whispers, his hand gently rubbing my back. It felt nice being in the embrace of someone and feeling safe and secure. This is something that I’ve longed for growing up, something I wanted more of.

“Happy birthday, by the way.” He adds, causing me to go into a laughing fit. It was so unexpected to hear him say that after the long-winded story of how I became a rogue, but it was something that felt right too.

"Thank you." I manage to say before slipping out of his arms and standing. Being beside Dominic was a breath of fresh air, making me feel so alive again.

"Want to come to my place for some birthday cake?" I ask with a grin, extending the offer and my hand out to him.