After English class, the school day went smoothly. I was lucky to have passed all my classes in school the previous years and have my last period as a spare. It meant that my friends and I could go grab something in town since it was a neutral zone before I have to head home and get ready to meet with Blue and—unfortunately—Leo at the coffee shop.

Satisfied having changed into a blue sundress with white heels, I drove my father’s cherished Mustang to town once again and parked in my usual parking spot. Blue’s Truck and Leo’s Jeep were already here, so I make my way inside the shop and greet the waitress, Opal.

"Do I want to know what happened?" Blue asks as he stares down at the bandaged hand that Leo was sporting. It did not take a genius to figure out that he has a broken bone if it has taken this long to heal.

"Leo got into a fight with the flagpole at school. The flagpole won." I say in a singsong voice while taking a seat at the table, catching the death glare thrown my way by a very irritated Leo.

"Speaking of school, your English teacher called. Good work as always, Amberle. Mrs. Marrywind suggested that you take advanced classes in university if you decide to go." At that moment, Opal came and took our orders while Blue finishes praising me. I knew that the teachers always gave an update to the Alphas in the area on how their pups were doing since many were next in line to take over. Once Opal left to place our orders with the kitchen, I could not help but roll my eyes at Leo checking out her ass. Poor girl would not stand a winning chance if he decided to pursue her. There was a long pause as Blue sighed and turned to look at Leo. The look of a displeased parent who was disappointed in their child crosses his face, and I knew Leo was going to get it.

"You, on the other hand, have to get your work done and grades up. Until you do, Leo, your gaming systems, TV, and laptop are mine, as well as your car. You can have them back when you improve." He was in father mode, and I just sat there waiting for my deluxe hot chocolate and New York-style cheesecake with white chocolate drizzle. If only I had it now, so I would be able to enjoy it while Leo gets ripped into for being a moron.

"It’s not my fault. If Amberle did my homework like I-" Leo starts accusing me like it’s my fault he’s failing.

"You’re doing his homework?" Blue cuts in to stare at me with both shock and disappointment.

"No, I have my own to worry about. Besides, the teachers would know if he was cheating." I state proudly. At that moment, our orders arrive. I dig into the cheesecake, keeping silent as more death glares from Leo are sent my way. He is not happy that I refused to lie for him, and why should I lie? We were nothing to each other. I can tell that Leo wanted to tear me apart for being, in his eyes, disrespectful to him just because he’s the future Alpha of this pack. Too bad Blue will have his hide if Leo tries to do anything.

"So, now your bank cards are mine, and you're grounded for three months." Blue is holding back his anger as he takes a sip of his coffee, knowing full well he cannot show his strength in this café, with too many humans around. I can’t help but roll my eyes as Leo tries to persuade his father that he needs his car to go to school—Blue would drive him. He needed his bank cards to buy clothes—Blue retorted that he would be stuck at home and would not have anywhere to go with said new clothes. He would not be able to go to his friends’ houses to study—which Blue said he has a perfectly good study at the pack house Leo could use and that wolves from our pack could come to the pack house to study.

This was why everyone thought I would be the next Alpha because Leo found a way to disappoint Blue as heir to the pack at every turn. Once Leo finally stopped trying to appeal his punishment and failed, he sits there moping and staring out the window like a child. Blue turns to me.

“So, what project do we have this weekend, Amber?” He asks as I finish my cheesecake.

“We have to read half a book and write a report on the first half due Monday and have the report for the next half of the book due next Friday,” I answer, taking a sip of my hot chocolate and rolling my eyes at yet another glare from Leo. I was starting to wonder if glaring silently was his favourite hobby.

"Good, both of you can read in my study tonight. Which book is it?" Blue asks, staring at Leo, who shrugs and turns away.

"Leo doesn’t know it because he spent the first half of class getting his hand wrapped up from losing to the flagpole. It’sPet Cemeteryby Stephen King. I told her I had that book and read it already. She just smiled at me." Blue laughed at my response as I stole a cookie from Leo’s plate. He wasn’t eating it, so why would I let it go to waste.

"I would like both of you to be in my study tomorrow so that you can read the book, and I can make sure Leo is doing homework. I also want to know how Leo lost against a flagpole," Blue states, looking once again at the bandaged hand his son sported.

"But I have plans this weekend." Leo whines, glaring at his father. His plans were the football game tomorrow night that he had to play in.

"No buts, Leo. I told your coach to bench you until your grades are up." Blue states the bombshell as a look of shock crosses Leo’s face. I needed more treats while I watch this drama unfold.

"You can't do that." He growls out with frustration, and I roll my eyes. It was just a stupid football game. It’s not like it was the end of the world. But knowing Leo, he would continue his melodrama at playing the victim and having to miss his football games. He would probably find a way to blame me even though it was his fault—stupid jocks.

You see, Leo is our star player. He scored most of the goals and brought our team to the championships three years in a row. With him benched, it meant the other football Neanderthals had a chance to outshine him now. I could just imagine the look of despair as Leo sits on the sidelines, unable to do anything while his so-called friends steal his limelight.

"As your Alpha and father, I can. Being your father is my job, and that means doing that which will prepare you as my heir." Leo stayed silent the rest of the day while Blue asks me about art club and garden society. The only benefit to Leo in all of this is that his father considered him as his Heir still. We left shortly after, Leo taking a ride with his father because Blue had the pack's mechanic tow the Jeep away.

We spent the rest of the night and all weekend in Blue’s study. You could see the reluctance on Leo’s face as he is forced to readPet Cemetery. My paper for the first half was already done by Sunday morning. Blue went over the tracking route with me while also helping Leo with his homework. I knew that Blue had a soft spot for the idiot he calls a son, but I could not help the envy that lingered in my heart. I wished I had my father with me helping me along.

“You ready for tomorrow, Amberle?” Blue asks as I continue to read over the routes. Tomorrow is Monday, and I would be turning eighteen.

“Not really,” I mumble, letting my hair down from the usual messy bun.

“Why not? Don’t you want your mate so he can take you away from my pack?” Leo retorts back tauntingly. Today he seemed more agitated than usual, and it was starting to annoy me.

“Honestly, I don’t think I’ll find my mate. It may be my birthday, but I just want my own house.” I shrug, turning away from his glare as Blue sighs and directs his son to focus on his paper. I continue to look at the routes and report before stretching. Finally, I say good night to the two of them and head out for a run.

I’m worried about tomorrow if I had to be honest with myself. The possibility of finding my mate had my heart beating with excitement, but if I told Leo that he would ridicule me

With my limbs stretched out and mind clear, I head back to the pack house and into my room. I had slowly been packing everything inside it until only a few clothing items, and my bed remained. I’m planning on moving within the next few days into a nice house I found close to the pack border. With a smile, I set aside the outfit I wanted to wear tomorrow for my birthday and climb into bed.

Tomorrow, I will be eighteen, and I had a feeling something big is going to happen.

Chapter 6 - The Full Moon Rejection