The drive is short, and I’m rushed inside and into a wheelchair as the doctor and his nurses wheel me to the birthing wing of the hospital. Dominic is beside me the whole time, assuring me that everything will be okay.
I was in labour for two days before I finally gave birth to our twins, Sapphira Carrie DeValorse and Esmerald Beverly DeValorse, both healthy and crying because of the cold hospital air. When I was finally able to go home, Abby and Avery had to come over every day until I could move normally to help clean and cook. Even my niece and nephews helped with some of the chores when they weren't at school or training with the Head Trainer for pups, Scarlet. She created fun games to help enhance their abilities and prepare them for when they shifted, so it was great that they offered to help even though they’d miss out on the fun.
My pack is strong, and with the two new little Alphas, who I watch over each night as they fall asleep with my husband by my side, I know that my pack would be stronger in the end.
Chapter 24 – Life Goes On
I groan as my alarm rings, hearing Dominic chuckle beside me as he grabs the contraption that takes fifty million tries to turn off. Yes, the same one Blue gave me to be on time for school. The room goes silent, and I curse Dominic in my mind with how easily he can turn the device off. Stupid morning person.
"How long do you think we have until the twins wake u-"
"Mommy, Daddy, wake up." Dominic's question is cut off by two loud children’s voices and feet thundering against the floor in the hallway. The door to our room bursts open, and in comes the twins, our daughters, flinging themselves onto the bed with giggles.
"Good morning, Saphy and Essy." I say, pulling the girls into my arms for a big hug. Dominic smiles, pulling out his phone. I hear the distinct sound of the camera going off. He has a habit of taking pictures when he can, especially since I’m normally the one taking them of the twins and him.
"Guess what?" Sapphira asks, and I smile at my daughter, playing with her blonde curls. I’ve been told her hair is a trait from Dominic's mother.
"Hmm, is there a project at school that needs to be done?" I guess playfully.
"Nooooo." The two girls say together, giggling once more.
"Is there a new show you want to watch?" Dominic asks, playing along. He gives me a wink, pulling Esmerald into his arms.
"Nooooooooo." They say again, pouting. I could feel the two getting upset, probably thinking we forgot their birthday. Looking at Dominic, I give a slight nod and we turn back to the girls.
"Okay, tell us since we can’t guess!" I exclaim, pouting slightly as I tickle Sapphira.
"We're six today!" The girls cheer, freeing themselves from our arms to jump on the bed. I chuckle at my girls, leaning into Dominic as we watch their excited faces.
"Six? Wow, you two are growing up so fast!" I say, feigning shock and looking at Dominic, who gasps as well. This gets us another set of giggles. The girls settle down on the bed, talking about their party planned for today with words coming at Dominic and I a mile a minute. It's clear they have their father's "morning person" personality. I just prayed that the next one is like me.
"Okay, how about you give Mommy and Daddy a few minutes to get dressed, and we will make you a special breakfast," Dominic states, stopping the girls before they can say anything more. I send a thank you through our link, already knowing I’ll need a pot of coffee to wake up and deal with the day of sugar-filled children. Sapphira and Esmerald agree, rushing out of the room as I quickly flop back onto the bed.
"Peace at last." I sigh, closing my eyes, wanting another five minutes of sleep.
"Not for long. This house will be filled with kids soon." Dominic chuckles, leaning over and kissing me lovingly.
"I know." I sigh as we pull apart, slightly breathless. If we don't move now and he kisses me like that again, I can guarantee we will not be leaving this bed for another hour. With another sigh, I throw the comforter back and climb to my feet, heading for my closet to dress for the day. Dominic is already gone by the time I finish my morning routine. I find him downstairs with the girls on the couch as Pokémon plays on the TV. I smile at the sight, a small girl on either side of the six-foot-seven giant they call their father and quickly snap a photo.
With the girls occupied, I get to work making breakfast, throwing together our favourite triple chocolate chip banana pancakes and a measuring cup of melted mint chocolate to pour on top for each of us. Dominic always skipped the extra chocolate for maple syrup, though.
I set the table, placing cutlery and each plate of three pancakes in our regular spots and another plate with a stack of extra pancakes in the middle of the table, before calling my little family to come to eat. It doesn’t take long for the girls to devour everything. After breakfast, Dominic cleans up, loading the dishes into the dishwasher while I get the twins to help me decorate. They were lucky to be born in early September, as the weather is still nice enough to have a party outside.
Zack and Abby arrive first, with Lilly-Ann sporting a new haircut. She makes herself comfortable on the porch swing, her nose buried in a book. Maxwell and Mathew instantly rush over to their cousins to play with the birthday girls.
"Have you told him?" Abby asks as she helps me set out the treats; Zack is helping Dominic at the barbecue.
"Not yet, but tonight I plan to. I just want today to be about the girls." Abby smiles, giving my stomach a knowing look before going into the house to grab the drinks. By noon, the house is full of pups from the pack house. Concra and Miles’ son, Charles, runs up to Sapphira and hands her a flower, blushing. I have a feeling they would be mates in the future.
It was hard to keep the children occupied. Abby, Lease and Concra helped me lead the party games until it was finally time to cut the cake and open presents. By seven o'clock, parents were saying their goodbyes and carrying their sleeping—or sleepy—children home. Being a parent is the best feeling in the world. Dominic and I carry the identical sleeping girls to their room. Sapphira's golden curls and ice-blue eyes were the only difference from Esmerald's chestnut coloured locks and deep, blue eyes.
Watching them sleep from the entrance of their rooms, I lean into Dominic, happy with where my life has led.
"I love you." He whispers, kissing my forehead as we leave the girls to sleep and make our way to our own room.
“I love you too," I answer back, wrapping my arms around him.
"You and our three children." I continue.