Page 27 of Desire Me

“Come here. Don’t let her get under your skin.” He holds out his hand for me and I take it. He pulls me into a hug.

“I know you’ve had a hard couple of months. First your breakup with Marcus and then your car getting stolen.” Russ rests his chin at the top of my head.

I realize I don’t feel as comfortable in his arms as I do in Nico’s. Pulling away from him, I take a step back putting distance between us.

“I got the job with Nico fair and square. For her to insinuate anything else is disgusting.”

“Nico?” Coming to a complete stop, I shake my head. I didn’t mean to let that slip out. I’m very good at only calling him Mr. Basille when around others.

“When did you start calling him by his first name?”

I cock my head at Russ. “I’ve been working with him for six and a half months, I think I’ve earned the right to call him by his first name.” I don’t like what his tone and his question suggest.

He’s quiet for a moment. “Are you sleeping with him?”

I’m too stunned to speak. Number one, how dare he ask me that question. And number two, it’s none of his damn business even if I were. Which I am not.

“Not that I owe you or anyone else an explanation, but Nico and I are friends. He has been there for me in more ways than you could ever imagine. In fact, I owe that man my life. But I guess, the only way a man like him could be friends with someone like me is if I’m fucking him, right?”

“Tiffany, I wasn’t saying that.” Russ reaches for me, but I step out of his way.

“You know what, thanks for your help today but in the future, I can take care of myself.”

I walk around Russ and grab the door.

“Tiffany wait,” he pleads, grabbing my arm.

I swing the door open with my free hand and on the other side stands the man himself.

“Mr. Basille,” I say his name breathlessly. “What are you doing here?”

“I had a question about the carpet for the presidential suites, but you never responded to my text message.” He says all that, yet his gaze never leaves Russ’ hand wrapped around on my arm.

I guess Russ finally got the memo because he snatches his hand off me.

“I’m sorry, it’s been a rough morning,” I explain. “What question do you have?”

Those dark brown eyes turn to me, and immediately my stress seems to fall away. “Are you all right?” he asks instead of asking his question.

The way he speaks to me is always gentle and with the sincerest concern. I’m not blind, I know this man has a mean streak. I saw it the night the intruder attacked. However, with me, Nico is always so gentle.

“Yes.” For the first time since Tess walked in that break room, I am all right.

Mr. Basille holds out his hand toward me and without any thought, I walk over and take his outstretched hand.

“Good, come on.” With one last glance in Russ’ direction, Mr. Basille leads me away from the conference room.

Once again, he shows up right on time to save the day.

chapter Eleven



“Then I hit her.” Nico’s eyes widen at my admission.

We are sitting on the floor in his massive living room eating the best steak and twice baked potato I’ve ever had. We’re seated on the same side of the coffee table, facing each other. Alexa’s playing soft music in the background. It’s a vibe.