Mira rolls her eyes before answering him. “Mr. and Mrs. Peterson were already on the fence about working with Tess. The only reason they picked her design was because of the fancy one-of-a-kind tile she was going to ship in from Peru.”
“I guess that didn’t work out for her,” I tease.
Mira tosses her head back and laughs. “I think the Petersons are going to make a complaint.”
“They already did,” Russ says swallowing down his green drink. “Tess is in Mr. Johnson’s office right now.”
Mira and I look at each other. Communicating non-verbally our excitement for Tess to finally get what she deserves.
I probably should feel sorry for her. She’s been off her game a lot lately, even before I took Basille’s Resorts and Hotels from her. However, when you’ve been a snooty bitch to everyone you deem beneath you, karma eventually comes around.
“Mira, can I speak with you for a moment?”
Speak of the devil.
Tess appears in the doorway of the break room. Her tight pencil skirt hugs her barely-there-ass. Her low cut sleeveless pink shirt is once again showing off her most prized assets. Her eyes land on me and her nose crinkles as if she smells something disgusting.
“Actually,” she says walking further into the room. “We can wait to talk. This should be only betweenrealprofessionals. Not people who sleep their way into a project.” She coughs in her hand saying my name. “Oh, I’m sorry, I must have come down with something.”
I know this bitch isn’t trying me. I’ve let a lot of stuff slide when it came to Tess, but not this time.
Placing my cup down beside me, I turn back to face Tess. “Is there something you want to say to me?”
She glares at me before squaring her shoulders. “You know, for a moment I thought you got that hotel project because you deserved it. But it’s clear now what he was actually after.”
“Whoa, Tess. That’s not okay,” Russ says in my defense. I hold up a hand to stop him. I didn’t need his help.
This thing between Tess and I has been brewing since I started here. From the moment I was employed and put on her team she’s had it out for me.
Pushing away from the counter, I walk toward her. “Is that what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, that I got the job because I spread my legs?” I laugh without humor. “Maybe, instead of making up bullshit scenarios, you should face the fact that you’re a horrible designer.”
Tess’s entire face turns red. “I’m the best designer here. Everyone knows it. Maybe if you weren’t throwing yourself at Basille like some two-cent whore, I’d have the job, the fancy car, and the bodyguard.” She crosses her arms across her chest.
No one here except Mira knows for a fact that Nico bought me the car. They don’t even know that I’m living with him. I guess for Tess it wasn’t hard to make the connection.
“I got the Basille Hotel and Resort job because I’m good at what I do. You would understand that if you’d actually given me a chance.”
Tess scoffs. “You’re good at what you do alright. Do you spit or swallow?”
Looking back, I’ll probably regret this, and maybe my guilt played a role in my decision, but I haul off and punch the shit out of Tess. My fist flies across her cheek so hard my fingers hurt. She screams and grabs her face. I would’ve hit her again, but Russ pulls me away from her.
Jake grabs Tess as she tries to run toward me.
“Let her go, Jake,” I beg. “Let me teach her to keep my name out her mouth.” Jake chuckles, but don’t let Tess go.
“You bitch. I’m going to have you fired,” Tess yells at me.
“You started with her,” Mira adds. “Accusing her of sleeping with a client when you have absolutely no proof. I’m sure that’s an HR complaint.”
Not only was I pissed at Tess for basically calling me a whore, but for her accusing Nico of being some dick driven idiot. He’s the nicest, and hardest working man I’ve ever met. He didn’t deserve to have his name drug through the mud the way she was doing.
I tug once again to get away from Russ. “Enough,” he says in my ear. “Come on.”
Russ pulls me out of the break room and down the hall. We stop in front of one of the small conference room doors. Heopens it up and gently shoves me inside. Closing the door, he turns to look at me.
“Are you all right?”
I’m pacing in front of him, still worked up. “I can’t believe her,” I growl.