“Well, let’s get started,” Mr. Johnson says. As the Director of Tess’s team, he always sits in on initial pitches.
“If you turn to the first page of your folder,” Tess says proudly. “You will find my overall color scheme and design.”
Although I hear Tess speaking and I should be paying attention, my gaze has somehow found its way back to Mr. Basille. He glances down at the first page and even though nothing on his face changes, I can tell he doesn’t like it. I don’t know how I know. I mean, I’ve met the man twice before nowand each time I was only in his presence a few minutes, but I feel it in my soul he’s not happy.
However, he doesn’t speak. The woman beside him—that I’m only now noticing—speaks.
“Is this the only mockup you have?”
I fight the smile on my face as I watch Tess flounder under the woman’s question.
“Well, no. I have a team of designers that have also contributed. However, you haven’t seen all of my ideas yet. If you turn to—”
The woman beside Mr. Basille holds up a hand. “I’ve seen enough.” She shuts the folder.
Mira turns to me and gives me a quick look. I have to look down at my lap to contain my smile.
“The Basille Resorts are known for not only their luxury, but also their one-of-a-kind experience. Our resorts are designed to pique your senses. Locations and motifs that capture the imagination. Our rooms and hallways inspire innovation. From the lowest level room to the penthouse, Basille Resorts’ one-of-a-kind environments set the stage for romance, business, leisure, and celebration. And yet you want me to paint our walls light mauve.”
Damn, I don’t know who this lady is, but she is killing Tess.
“I’m sure the members of your team have designs prepared as well, Tess?” Mr. Johnson says, narrowing his eyes at her.
Tess clears her throat. She glances at a very displeased Mr. Johnson before turning back to the woman. “Yes, my team has other ideas that I have co-signed.” She looks to the table desperately.
Everyone starts to fumble around trying to come up with ideas. When Tess really wants to lead a project, her team usually sits back and lets her take the lead. Most of the time they won’t even design anything. Hopefully, this isn’t one of those times.
Joan, one of Tess’ favorite ass kissers, scrambles through the papers in front of her. “I noticed that your LA property was cited as being one of the favorites. Why not go in that direction.” I cringe. “We can just change the color scheme a bit.”
I snort, before I can catch myself. It’s sad how unprepared everyone is. But it isn’t all their fault. As I said, Tess doesn’t really allow anyone to put in suggestions on a project she wants.
I didn’t realize my mistake until I looked up and the entire room was staring at me.
“Can I ask what’s so funny?” his smooth-like velvet voice calls out across the room.
“You have to ignore, Tiffany,” Tess says. “She’s new and doesn’t know how things work. She’s very unprofessional.”
Usually, I allow Tess to say her bullshit just to keep the peace, but there is something about her calling me unprofessional in front of my mystery guy that has me seeing red.
“I’m unprofessional,” I repeat. “Maybe, if you would’ve followed my advice, you’d know not to offer to redo a design they’ve already done. Basille Resorts pride themselves on never replicating their properties.”
Joan sinks back into her seat. Tess folds her arms over her chest and glares at me.
“Seems like you’ve done your research,” that cognac smooth voice grabs my attention again. “Why don’t you pitch me a design.”
“I’m sorry,” Tess says. “As her boss, she’s not ready to—”
“Quiet,” his voice is like a whip cutting into Tess’s sentence. He delivers the line without even turning to look at her.
I glance at Mira and she’s giving me the thumbs up. Clearing my throat, I stand from my seat. Last night, before I went to bed, I played around with a few ideas. I had no idea this opportunity would happen, but design is my passion. I always make mockupsof projects even if I know I won’t get them. I walk over to Mr. Basille and hand him my tablet.
“My first idea came from the district that you’re building in. I don’t know if you know the history, but that area was once thriving during prohibition. Some of the most well-known speakeasys in the city were on that river front.”
He swipes on my tablet, going over the few designs I put together. He hands the tablet to the woman beside him, and she swipes as well.
“I thought why not pay tribute to that period. My design is based off art deco with some neo classical elements. Geometric lines, rich and bold colors with gold accents. When someone walks into Basille Hotels and Resort North River, they should be transformed back to the bustling 1920’s.”
I finish my design pitch and take a deep breath. Glancing over to Mira she has a proud smile on her face. Just three chairs down, Tess is fuming at me. The woman beside Mr. Basille leans over and whispers something to him. Neither of them has said anything or even smiled. My heart is racing in my chest. For some reason, I really care if he likes my design. I mean, it’s a big opportunity either way, but his approval would be a big deal.