We emerge into the alley behind the club. The feds’ confusion without their leader works in our favor—their coordination is sloppy, orders conflicting. Through the chaos, I catch Lucas checking his phone again, that unsettling grin spreading wider.
“The warehouse district,” Lucas pants as we run, his eyes fever-bright with more than just adrenaline. “I have a lab there. Off the books. Though perhaps not my most... active facility at the moment.”
“No.” Melody pulls us to a stop. “I won’t drag you both deeper into this. Alex will?—”
“Shut up.” I cup her face in my hands, forcing her to meet my eyes. “You ain’t dragging us anywhere, sugar. We’re running with you ‘cause we choose to.”
“He’s right.” Lucas’s laugh holds a slightly hysterical edge. “Though perhaps we should continue this touching moment somewhere less exposed? I have several rather delicate experiments in progress that require attention.”
I catch something in his tone, a secret delight that seems out of place given our situation. Melody must hear it too—her eyes narrow slightly at his choice of words. But sirens are wailing closer, and we don’t have time to unpack Lucas’s particular brand of madness right now.
I lead them through a maze of back alleys, calling in favors from street vendors and doormen who owe me. By the time we reach Lucas’s hidden lab, we’ve picked up no tails. Though from the way Lucas keeps checking his phone and muttering aboutchemical evolution,I get the feeling this isn’t his only operation running tonight.
“What now?” Lucas asks, bolting the door behind us, his manic energy barely contained. “Though I must say, the timing of all this is really quite... perfect.”
I look at Melody—my beautiful, dangerous Melody, caught between a corrupt organization and an obsessed fed who’s mysteriously absent from his own operation, with a mad scientist who’s clearly up to something and a jazz musician as her only allies.
“Now,” I say, pulling her close, “we make them dance to our tune.”
She laughs, the sound half sob. “When did you get so brave, Jazz?”
“Probably around the time I fell in love with a ghost.” The words slip out before I can stop them, raw and honest as a blues solo at midnight.
Her eyes widen. Behind us, Lucas makes a strangled sound that shifts into that unsettling giggle of his. “Oh, this is perfect! Multiple experiments reaching critical mass simultaneously. The symmetry is absolutely exquisite.”
I ignore his cryptic rambling, keeping my focus on Melody. “I know what I’m signing up for, sugar. The danger, the secrets, even sharing you with a brilliantly unhinged chemist who’s clearly got something cooking besides this escape plan.”
Lucas’s giggle turns sharper. “If you only knew, my musical friend. If you only knew.”
“Jazz,” Melody starts, but I press a finger to her lips.
“Let me finish. I’ve watched you move through my world like smoke, wearing different faces, playing different tunes. But the melody underneath? That’s always been you. And I’m tired of pretending I’m not in love with every version of your song.”
Something buzzes—Lucas’s phone again. His face lights up like Christmas came early. “Speaking of versions and evolution...”
“Lucas,” Melody warns, but there’s a question in her voice. She’s picking up on something too, some undertone to his manic delight that doesn’t quite fit our current crisis.
“Sorry, sorry,” he waves dismissively, though that gleam in his eyes suggests he’s anything but sorry. “Please, continue with your touching confession. Though perhaps we should consider relocating to my other facility? The one where I’m conducting my most fascinating experiment to date?”
The way he emphasizesfascinating experimentmakes me pause. There’s something we’re missing here, some piece of the puzzle that would explain Lucas’s extra dose of crazy tonight.
But before I can dig deeper, another explosion rocks the night. Closer this time.
“Alex,” Melody breathes.
“Or Ethan’s increasingly disorganized team,” Lucas muses, looking far too pleased for someone whose lab might be under siege. “Though their leader seems to be... otherwise occupied at the moment.”
Well, triple shit. Whatever game Lucas is really playing tonight, we’re all dancers in his chaos now. And from the way Melody’s grip tightens on my hand, I’m not the only one starting to wonder exactly what kind of experiment has him so delighted.
“So,” I say, forcing a grin, “who’s ready to start a war?”
“Oh darling,” Lucas purrs, checking his phone one last time, “the war’s already begun. And you won’t believe who’s about to join our side.”
ANONYMOUS TIP TO FBI [Delivered with single playing card—Queen of Spades]