I don’t take the envelope. “What are you offering?”
“Partnership. Like the old days.” His smile turns predatory. “Help me with certain... tasks, and I’ll ensure your friends remain uninvolved. The scientist keeps his lab, the musician keeps his fingers, and Agent Blake has a tragic accident before he gets too close.”
Ice slides down my spine, but I almost want to laugh. Alex’s intelligence isn’t as perfect as he thinks. He has no idea that Lucas has already claimed Ethan in his own brilliantly unhinged way.
“You’re threatening them.”
“I’m offering protection.” He sets the envelope on a nearby crate. “Think about it, little shadow. You know what happens to people who get in the organization’s way. Just ask Lauren Blake’s ghost.”
The pieces click together. “You killed her.”
“I created a necessary distraction.” He shrugs. “Agent Blake was getting too close to certain operations in Chicago. His fiancée’s death sent him into a spiral that took him off our trail. Until now.”
My knife is in my hand before I consciously draw it. Lucas’s most recent text glows on my phone.
Lucas: Chemical evolution is such a delicate process. One wrong move and the subject’s mind fractures completely...
Oh, if Alex only knew what was really happening with his intended target.
“I won’t let you hurt them.” I think of Jazz’s steady devotion, of Lucas’s brilliant madness. Of Ethan, who Alex assumes is still hunting me, unaware that he’s probably strapped to one of Lucas’s lab tables right now, beingevolvedby my beautiful monster.
“There’s my girl.” His smile widens. “But we both know you won’t use that. Not on me. Not after everything.”
He’s right. My hand trembles slightly.
“You have twenty-four hours to decide.” He moves toward the exit, casual as a Sunday stroll. “Choose wisely, little shadow. The organization isn’t as patient as I am.”
“I’m not your shadow anymore,” I call after him.
He pauses at the door. “We’ll see. Oh, and Sarah?” My old name hits like a slap. “Give my regards to Jazz. He’s playing at the Spotted Cat tonight, isn’t he? Such nimble fingers. Be a shame if anything happened to them.”
Then he’s gone, leaving only the envelope and the weight of his threats hanging in the warehouse air.
My phone buzzes again.
Jazz: Where are you?
Lucas: The transformation is nearly complete, my Chimera. Our Saint is becoming something beautifully dark.
I stare at the envelope, knowing it contains details of whatever operation Alex is running. The organization’s plans for New Orleans, probably involving the port authority, the same connection that got Lauren killed.
Twenty-four hours to choose between my mission and the men I’ve grown to care for. But maybe... maybe with Lucas’s brilliant chaos and whatever he’s doing to Ethan... maybe we have more cards to play than Alex realizes.
He taught me everything I know about survival. But he never taught me about the strength that comes from having something—someone—worth fighting for. That’s something I learned from Jazz’s loyalty and Lucas’s devotion.
And soon, perhaps, from whatever dark creature Lucas is creating in his lab.
SPOTTED CAT INCIDENT REPORT Filed by: Officer M. Johnson
Multiple casualties reported. Witnesses describe:
Federal agents without leadership
Professional hit team