“We don’t have time for this,” I move toward the door, but Lucas catches my arm.

“On the contrary, my Chimera. We have exactly the right amount of time. You see, while Alex is expecting Sarah’s shadow to come crawling back, while he’s preparing to teach you a lesson about control and consequences...” His grin turns predatory. “He’s completely forgotten about what happens when you push a righteous man too far.”

Understanding hits me like a physical blow. “Lauren.”

“Precisely!” Lucas spins me in a quick, manic dance. “He killed the love of our Saint’s life, and then had the audacity to use it as a bargaining chip. Rather unwise, don’t you think? Especially since our dear Ethan has recently been... freed from certain moral constraints.”

“Jesus,” Jazz breathes. “You didn’t break him. You just showed him what he already was.”

“The best experiments simply reveal existing properties,” Lucas agrees. “Now, shall we go watch the results? I do so love a good chemical reaction, especially when it involves revenge and revelation in equal measure.”

I look between them—my steady musician and my brilliant madman. “You’re sure about this? About him?”

“My dear Chimera,” Lucas practically vibrates with dark joy, “our Saint has been hunting monsters his whole life. Did you never wonder why he was so good at thinking like them? At predicting them? Some people are born to walk in shadows.” His grin turns knowing. “You of all people should understand that.”

“And you just... what? Helped him see it?”

“I simply provided the right conditions for truth to emerge. Like watching a flower bloom in toxic soil.” He checks his phone one final time. “Speaking of which, we should go. The reaction is about to reach critical mass.”

Jazz grabs his trumpet case—the one I know contains more than just instruments. “I still don’t like this.”

“You don’t have to like it,” Lucas says cheerfully. “You just have to appreciate the beauty of what’s about to unfold. A righteous man embracing his darkness, a mentor facing his greatest mistake, and our lovely Chimera...” he kisses my cheek with manic affection, “finally understanding that some monsters are born, not made.”

We move through pre-dawn streets, Lucas leading us through a maze of alleys toward the warehouse district. His usual chaotic energy has focused into something sharper, more predatory. Whatever he’s orchestrated, whatever he’s helped awaken in Ethan, it’s going to be spectacular.

“Just remember,” he tells me as we near our destination, “Alex expects to find a broken shadow, crawling back to her master. He has no idea he’s about to face the combined darkness of everyone he’s tried to control or destroy.”

“And Ally?” I ask, still seeing her bloody face in that photo.

Lucas’s laugh holds a razor’s edge. “Let’s just say our Saint has been very... creative with his entrance strategy. Apparently, freedom from moral constraints really unleashes one’s tactical thinking.”

We slip into position around the warehouse, Jazz melting into shadows with a grace that matches my own, Lucas practically dancing with anticipation. Through a broken window, I can see Alex waiting, looking every inch the controlled mentor about to discipline an errant student.

He has no idea what’s coming. None of us really do.

“Places everyone,” Lucas whispers with theatrical glee. “The experiment is about to yield fascinating results.”

In the growing light, a familiar figure moves through the shadows. But there’s something different about his stance, his energy. This isn’t the righteous FBI agent hunting his ghost.

This is something much, much darker.

Saint Ethan has finally embraced his true nature.

And he’s ready to hunt monsters on their own terms.

Through my vantage point, I watch Ally subtly test her bonds. There’s something off about her position, about the way she’s tied. Almost like...

“She was never really captured, was she?” I whisper.

Lucas’s giggle confirms it. “Our Saint can be quite persuasive when he embraces his natural talents. Turns out your friend was quite willing to help set a trap for the man who killed Lauren.”

The warehouse door opens. Alex turns, expecting to see me. His face when he registers Ethan instead is... perfect.

“Agent Blake,” he recovers smoothly. “This is an unexpected pleasure. Though I’m afraid you’re interrupting a private meeting.”

“Hello, Alex.” Ethan’s voice carries none of its usual righteous anger. Instead, it holds something colder, darker. Something that makes Alex take an instinctive step back. “Or should I say, Lauren’s killer?”

“Ah.” Alex’s smile turns sharp. “I see someone’s been sharing stories. Though I wonder... where is my little shadow hiding? Surely she wouldn’t send her FBI agent to fight her battles.”