Page 5 of Jagger

Leaning in closely, I flick my tongue out against Kat’s sex and work my way up with leisure, swirling the very tip in slow circles around her clit that leave her shuddering in my grasp.

“Fuck…” she hisses, restless hands clasping her tits in a death grip.

I eat her fiendishly, without mercy. If you were an outsider looking in, you'd think I haven’t eaten in weeks; lips, tongue, and teeth licking, sucking, and slurping every inch of her cunt until her legs tremble.

Coming up for air with her juices coating my chin, I press her into the mattress and claim her mouth in another harsh kiss. She whimpers in need, drawing a triumphant smile on my lips.

“Ready to wake her up?” My tone is deep, gruff, but she nods without hesitation and pushes me away, her chest heaving through the rush of desire.

I haven’t so much as blinked and she’s on her knees, delectable ass in the air as she crawls across the bed to where Desi miraculously lays fast asleep despite our heated moment. Only problem is, she’s headed in the wrong direction…

Swatting her ass, I yank her back between my legs by the ankles, shaking my head while chiding her in amusement. “Eh, eh, eh, wrong end, pretty girl.”

Kat’s eyes widen in realization. “Jag, we’ve never—”

“Do you trust me?” The abrupt question interrupts her objection.


“Do. You. Trust. Me?” I ask again, enunciating every word with clarity.

“Yeah,” she swallows. “I guess.”

“Then don't think, and take your fine ass between her legs. Would you not enjoy waking up like that?”

“Yes,” she answers immediately, cocking my head to one side.

I grin devilishly. “Exactly.”

And just like that, whatever doubt she'd had upon my initial demand evaporates into thin air. Settling herself between Desi’s legs, Kat slips her fingers beneath the waistband of the birthday girl’s pajama pants and tugs on them gently, exposing inch after inch of smooth skin. I’m instantly entranced, almost unable to cut my eyes away… But if I don’t, then I'll be useless in the equation and that’s not a fucking option.

I’m taking them both before I walk out that door.

Looming over Desi, I go in for the kill, licking a trail along her neck to her ear.

“Desi,” I whisper, kissing my way to the other side when she turns her head. “Desi, wake up.”

The softest, most inaudible moan tumbles past her lips as she stirs through mine and Kat’s combined efforts. The sound is a green light for us both. Biting down on the opposite curve subconsciously draws her fingers into my hair at the same moment her hips buck slightly off the bed. Kat hums appreciatively and I feel, rather than see her pin Desi’s legs to the bed.

“Desi, wake up,” I try again, trailing the tips of my fingers along her stomach.

That does it.

Deep golden eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light, to double the ministrations quickly driving her to the precipice. Witnessing the exact moment recognition flashes across her face , as she gets her first real look at the performance she's walked in on is fucking priceless.

“Holy shit,” she pants, her mouth falling slack as a surge of pleasure all but slaps her in the face. “Jag?”

I grin. “The one and only. You awake now, Princess?”

“What do you think?”

“I'm gonna go with yes. Been waiting for you to wake up. Come here…”

Grabbing a handful of lush hips, I fall onto my back and pull Desi on top of me, her t-shirt billowing onto my face, drowning my vision in sudden darkness.

I can’t help but laugh.

Said laughter quickly fades away, though, when I feel something warm and wet slide onto my dick in time with the unprecedented view of Desi whipping her shirt over her head.