Page 97 of Volatile Obsessions

“You literally volunteered for this, remember? Deal with it,” she snapped, pushing off me with another roll of her ass.

But I slipped a finger through one of the loopholes at the back of her fatigues and pulled her back on my lap.

She squeaked softly, but quickly adjusted the flow of her routine as hoots and hollers went off around us.

“I need you to listen to me. Don’t look around or make it obvious—but you’re being watched,” I lied.

Well, only half-lied.

“By who?” she quizzed.

“I don’t know. Never seen him before in my life. I followed him here after overhearing your name come out of his mouth.”

“What does he look like?” Another fucking torturous roll of her ass right on my dick.

“It doesn’t matter right now,” I gritted out. “We need to get outside.”


“Slap me.”

“What?!” she hissed, pushing off me long enough to spin around gracefully and climb back into my lap, emerald green tresses falling over us like a veil.

“I’m gonna get handsy, love. Slap me and run out back. I’ll come after you.”

“Are you serious right now?”

“Yes, do it,” I cooed, trailing my hands up along her thighs to her ass.

The second I gripped it with force, Lux gasped and reared back, whacking her palm straight across my cheek.

My head snapped sideways from the blow, face burning from her strike. Our audience was gaping, sucking in heaps of air as Lux flew off my lap and ran through the crowd.

The DJ cut off the song, drowning the room in a heavy silence.

Everyone was watching me.

I sat there for a moment or so, cupping my cheek to make it appear as realistic as possible, especially with Vic’s gaze being all the more palpable than it was before.

I’d handle it, but first I needed to handle the reason why he was even here.