Every second she spent looking elsewhere, I grew more anxious, barely containing myself from keeping silent.
When our eyes finally met, hers widened in shock. Clearly, she knew who I was.
A devious smile stretched her lips as she turned to Lux.
A clueless Lux, I should add, brow arched and all.
Suki tipped her head in my direction, prompting Lux to cut her eyes my way, and almost instantly, the color drained from her face.
I could practically hear her heart slamming in her chest from here.
“You,” Suki spoke through the mic, pointing at me. “You. Right. There. Come take a seat in the hot seat, old chap.”
A younger girl, possibly a student, deposited said seat beside Suki right as I stalked up to her with determined strides.
“Go on, sit,” she ordered, motioning to the chair, devious smile still in place.
I sank as instructed, legs spread, draping my arms over the narrow back. My heart was lodged in my fucking throat.
What the hell was she planning?
“Helix, music please.” She pointed at the DJ, gaze trained on Lux. “That’s allllllll you, baby girl.”
I heard the gasp loud and clear.
Watched those blue pools widen impossibly more from the corner of my eyes.
Lux shook her head and retreated several steps, holding her hands up. “Hell. No. Hell to the fuck no, Suk! Not happening!”
“Give it up for Lux, everyone!” Suki yelled into the mic.
Another round of cheering ensued, leaving Lux no room to rebut, especially when the music started up too—slow, sensual.
She looked mortified, begging her friend with a tortured stare not to do this to her. But Suki simply shrugged and retreated to the shadows.
There were eyes everywhere, and yet it felt like we were alone. In a tunnel-like vision, all I could see was her, standing so close, yet so fucking far away. She must’ve felt it too, because those blue orbs fell on me, piercing me.
They were raging.
She was on one fucked up rollercoaster of emotions right now, and I was to blame for most of it.
I both loved and hated it.
I wanted her to feel everything with me—every single solitary emotion—because ultimately, owned would be her favorite.
Lux was going to love being mine.
I just had to lay that claim first...
Sitting perfectly still, I allowed her to take me in. I didn’t move. Didn’t taunt her. I just sat there…until renewed purpose burned bright in her eyes.
A small curl played on my lips.
Snapping my head over to the DJ, I whistled for his attention. His dark stare lifted toward me almost instantly, headphones around his neck.