What I really wanted to know was who invited her? Everyone present was very well aware of Vic and his anarchy movement. The role I myself played, too. Quite a few had helped me vandalize Black Widowseveral weeks back as well.
That said, this could, of course, be Vic’s doing. Another one of his tests. It would explain his suspicious behavior.
I downed another sip of my bourbon, lip curling in a snarl around the rim.
On second thought… Na. He wasn’t that idiotic. Revealing our friendship to her—if you could even call it that—would only hurt his efforts.
He’d never risk that.
If this wasn’t another one of his games, though, did that mean he was clueless to her presence?
This could get nasty real quick.
One look at Vic and I together, and Lux was bound to connect the dots sooner or later. She was far too intelligent not to. Same went for him catching me with Lux. If he so much as felt a sliver of the force between us, he’d know something had shifted.
Fucking hell. I need another drink.
Or five.
This party was turning into everything I’d been dreading.
Stalking over to the antique liquor cabinet between the bookcases, I refilled my tumbler and nearly drained it in entirety before even sinking into one of the high-backed parlor chairs.
At this rate, alcohol wouldn’t be a distraction for much longer.
I needed something warmer, something with a nice set of tits and a pert little ass. Something to get lost in a few hours and make myself scarce altogether.
Something to make myself briefly forget Lux, and Vic, and all the ever-present bullshit in my life…
The doors to my office burst wide open, banging rudely against the walls.
I snapped my head over to see a small group of drunken lads stalk through—clearly with no regard for other people’s property, or privacy—and head straight to the pool table before my desk.
Their noise-level was instantly obnoxious, like that of a toddler running on an unnecessary burst of caffeine, and just as I was about to make my presence known and kick them the fuck out, a curvaceous redhead came barreling in with Lux on her tail.
I froze stock-still and watched quietly, melting back into my seat to avoid being seen.
The redhead whipped her inside and signaled back out into the hallway with an impatient hand. The content of their conversation was drowned out by the music, but it didn’t look like a friendly discussion if you asked me, which left me more curious than anything else.
Especially when Lux went rigid and all the color stripped from her face.
From here, it looked like she mouthed I’ll tell you later as she shook her head,but I wasn’t certain, not when my head was swimming in a hazy bourbon pool.
A hazy bourbon pool that flooded over as our eyes collided.
She gasped.
My cock jolted.
We held it for several moments, long enough for me to see the image of that damned kiss reflecting off them, to feel the electricity surge between us, supercharging the air to a stifling degree.
And then she was gone, leaving me with the intoxicating taste of her mouth burning my lips.
Damn her.