Page 72 of Volatile Obsessions

So I returned him the favor, sent hell right to his doors, and when the sun finally set just beyond the horizon, I raced like a bat out of hell to the Panorama.

I was already waiting on the rooftop beneath the full moon when Roman finally showed his face. I hadn’t been certain he’d actually show at all, but if his day was as trying as mine, he’d need an escape like he needed his next breath.

Leaned up against the glass ledge, I smiled inwardly when the metal door slammed shut on the other side of the roof.

If he hadn’t realized he wasn’t alone yet, he would be in three…



“Well, well, well, look what we have here.” His voice boomed perfectly on cue, footsteps growing louder and louder as he approached.

“An indignant female,” I retorted, cutting my eyes to his approaching form.

Jesus Christ…

My jaw almost fell slack as he came closer into view. Thankfully, I was able to keep myself together and swallowed deeply instead, hoping like hell he hadn’t caught onto the blatant action. Tried as I might not to stare, though, my gaze moved of its own accord, following the defined lines of his tailored clothing.

He was all broad shoulders, built arms, and slim waist beneath them, and he looked…

Ugh, do I even have to say it?

You’re going to make me, aren’t you?

He looked… Well, he looked… Delicious.

There’s no other way to word it. He looked absolutely delicious, and more so than ever because he was actually wearing some color.

I’d never seen him in anything other than black.

The rusted ruby of his dress shirt brought out his eyes impossibly more, especially with the top two buttons undone.

No tie.

Just a peek of the colorful ink on his chest on display.

I was straight up gaping by the time he came to a full stop beside me, not a trace of anger or hostility anywhere to found.

The spell was thicker than ever this time, and we were caught tightly in its web.

“Indignant female, huh? Well, we seem to have a pissed off bloke, too,” he tossed back, leaning one arm on the ledge. “My day was rather…heated.”

“Funny, so was mine. Turns out some asshole snipped my electrical. Had to have it all rewired.”

“Wow, what a maggot,” he said sarcastically, shaking his head.

“Oh, he is—a total pest.” I bit back the smile that was trying to break free. “Alls good, though, I returned him the favor.”

Roman nodded and scoffed a laugh through his nose. “That you did.”

“If only he’d listen to me. He’d have spared himself a sample of hell.”

“I’ve told you this before… I’m not afraid to burn, pigeon. Been through hell and back more times than I can count.”

“As have I, but seriously, the power? You had to cut the power?” I asked, more inquisitively than anything else.

Shrugging, he turned into the ledge and leaned over, watching the cars below. “Set you back a day, right?”