? I Can’t Stop - Flux Pavilion ?
“I’m gonna come!” Lux screams, her back arching off the bed as my lips clamp down on her clit.
I pump my fingers in and out of her cunt only twice more before her thighs lock my head between their grasp, her hands roughly fisting my hair. The moans that erupt from deep in her throat completely undo me, unleashing the beast within.
On a growl, I tear myself away from her and plant my feet on the floor, breaths ragged, cock aching.
I need her so badly it hurts.
My hands clasp her ankles and yank her shivering form to the edge of the bed. She gazes up at me as the last of her climax rolls through her, and the look I see in her eyes says it all…
Fuck me.
Own me.
Possess me.
I’m over her before either of us can say another word, sliding into her effortlessly with an urgency I’ve not ever felt before.
“Fuuuck,” I hiss, losing all sense of sobriety as her heat envelopes me, sucking me in deeper.
I’m in so deep, I can feel the very end of her entrance straining to keep me from pushing in any further.
“So greedy,” I coo in her ear, hitching one of her legs around my waist.
Lux nods shamelessly. “So good, it’s so good,” she breathes, clawing at my back, her nails breaking skin as I increase the pace.
She’s not wrong. Good is only putting it lightly. This right here is sublime, the only damned sliver of Heaven I’ll ever get to experience.
And I don’t want it to stop…
“Right, Rome?” Vic’s voice suddenly cut through another explicit daze.
Another vividly real, cock-jolting daze I couldn’t seem to escape these days. The semi barely contained by my tuxedo pants was proof. Thankfully, neither one of the men standing before me—or anyone else for that matter—seemed to notice.
Vic placed a firm hand on my shoulder. “Roman…you good?”
I nodded and tamped down the ridiculous amount of desire swimming through my veins. “Yeah, apologies, man. Just remembering a few things that need to get done before the weekend is over. What were you saying?”
He eyed me keenly but didn’t seem inclined to press me on the matter.
I’m sure he’d be up my ass about it later.
“I was telling Ryzhkov here that Lux hasn’t been very easy to wear down.”
Of course he had to bring her up.
I glanced over at the older Russian man who was watching me like a hawk. According to Vic, he was Pahkan of the Ryzhkov Brotherhood from Chicago, which left me wondering what the hell he was doing here in Miami. Couldn’t be solely for this so-called charity gala, that’s for sure…
“She hasn’t been, no,” I agreed, snatching another champagne glass from one of the waiters passing through with a giant sterling silver tray. “But we’re getting there.”
“It’s about time,” Vic grumbled, taking a sip from his flute.
Ryzhkov chuckled darkly and shook his head. “You can’t rush such things, Victor. Not if you want them done right. Give the man some credit and have a little patience,” he advised, his Russian accent thick as molasses.
“Thank you.” I smiled.