“Which is why we’re both telling you to give him something, but you don’t want to,” Ramsey countered.
“You’re damn right I don’t,” I huffed, crossing my arms. “I worked too hard for him to—”
“Then shut him out, L. Shut him out of your mind and keep it moving. You’re going to have to think smarter when it comes to scaring him off,” Suki advised, rising off the couch.
“That’s not how this works,” Ramsey laughed.
“Of course you’d see it that way,” Suki called out over her shoulder as she reached over the island to grab the wine bottle.
“The hopeless romantic in me is squealing,” Ramsey sighed, holding a hand to her chest, “but that’s not what this is about. She can’t just shut him out, Suk. The more they see each other, the more it’s going to fester and spread, the more it’ll evolve. They’re not going to be able to fight it forever.”
I scoffed indignantly. “I will fight it forever, forever and a day if I have to. I’m not letting my body call the shots.”
“Who said it’s only your body?” Ramsey grinned, a knowing look glazing over her features as my face paled.
Hearing her those words—words that were more probable than I cared to entertain—ran my blood ice old. I couldn’t even respond, gaping at her in horror. I almost spilled my wine in the process.
Was she right?
Were they both right?
Was this more than just a physical attraction?