Page 35 of Volatile Obsessions

? Kill Everyone - Hollywood Undead ?

Ifinally understood why Vic hadn’t given me anything other than the bare minimum on Lux. I understood it loud and fucking clear.

The motherfucker was sneaky. He knew damn well if I’d gotten even the slightest hint she looked like that, I would’ve washed my hands of it all from the get-go and left him to handle this vendetta on his own.

In retrospect, I probably should’ve put two and two together based on what little I did know, but it hadn’t crossed my mind this could even be a possibility.

I mean, what were the chances?

One in a million, that’s what and, apparently, the world had tipped on its axis or some shit because this was that one.

It’d been a few short days since Lux stormed into my office and I was still in utter shock. Shocked to my goddamn core is more like it.

She looked so much like Liza.

So. Bloody. Much.

Not quite identical, but if someone told me they were related, I’d have believed them without question. From the blue eyes to those plush lips, to the defined lines of her gorgeous face and all the tats. Down to the slim physique and style, too.

It was simply uncanny.

I might’ve appeared calm and collected as I caught my first glimpse of her, but on the inside, I was completely taken aback. A bit creeped out, too, if I’m being honest.

I was so drawn to it, though.

So drawn to her and the challenge she presented.

And it had nothing to do with her appearance.

She was just this…force. This unstoppable, alluring, intriguing force, and I wanted to see more, so much more. Wanted to see how hot I could make her, just how far I could push her before she snapped like a twig.

The possibilities were endless, and what got me most was knowing she felt the same, too.

I could laugh remembering how she tried to hide it.

To deny it.

Her entire performance was quite possibly the most…I can’t believe I’m about to say this—adorable thing I’d ever seen in my life.

So adorable I gave her an A plus for effort.

But I could see right through her wicked little armor, clocked onto everything she didn’t want me to see; the unintentional seductive lilt of her body language, the lustful fire in her eyes, the throaty rasp to her voice.

Even those dick-twitching little gasps.

I caught them all.

The attraction was instantaneous—on both our parts—and while I knew this frame of mind could lead to dangerous destinations, I was going to use it to my advantage. I’d build her up, play on her crazy with our twisted little game of cat and mouse until she broke…and then I’d build her up again, feed her desires, and slither my way into every last part of her being before shattering her from the inside out.

A smile touched my lips at the vicious thought, my grip tightening around the steering wheel in anticipation as I eased onto I-95 from the Palmetto.

I’d been driving around for the last hour, aggressively weaving in and out of traffic in hopes to calm the erratic thrumming in my veins.

But nothing helped.

The next move was mine to make, it had been for a while, and I couldn’t seem to settle on a new attack, especially now.

I needed something that would demand her handling it herself. Something that would lead her right back to me.