? Like Water - Flume ft. MNDR ?
Ithink I forgot how to breathe.
Seeing a casually-dressed Roman—beanie, gray sweatpants, and all—no more than five minutes after arriving knocked me sick. Literally sucked the wind right out of me and turned my stomach upside down.
And he wasn’t just here as guest.
After further explanation, I was told this was his home—all gray walls, white clean-lined furniture, and modern goth decor.
Shock gave into silent rage within sheer milliseconds.
I wanted to kill Ramsey.
Had Marco not taken the brunt of my wrath when he saw me going off on her like a psychopath, I might have snapped her neck and left her for dead on the lush patio.
Okay, so I’m exaggerating; I could never actually kill my girl, but holy hell was I livid.
Ramsey swore she didn’t know and Marco claimed he’d not had a clue either. That, apparently, he was invited by someone else and took it upon himself to extend the invitation a few times over.
I don’t know how much of that I truly believed, solely because I didn’t know Marco as well as I knew Stryker, but I decided to let it go.
Ramsey would never purposely do this to me.
Suki, yes.
But Ramsey, never.
So I drowned myself deep in the whiskey hole instead, a naive attempt to abolish Roman’s presence from my mind.
Within thirty minutes, I’d downed about six fingers worth and was working on another few when Marco and his buddies led Ramsey and I through the dimmed house.
Flumeresounded off the walls.
Bodies writhed and swayed around to the beat.
I was having a good time, and with Roman no where in sight, I actually let myself believe all would be okay. That he had enough sense to lock himself away and leave me alone.
There wasn’t any need for us to interact, hostile or otherwise.
But that’s when I saw Vic…green eyes trailing me like a hawk.
My stomach skyrocketed to my throat.
On a small gasp, I gripped Ramsey out of reflex, expecting him to roll up on us, but he simply raised his glass by way of greeting, then disappeared down the hallway with a small push off the wall.
If I didn’t know the man as well as I did, I would’ve wondered what the hell he was doing here.
This was prime Vic behavior, though—a serpent always slithering around undetected, always watching.
He’d stepped it up after Javi’s murder, too, which would explain why he was here.
And yet, my heart still seemed to race.
My focus kind of tunneled. Everything was out of sorts. Ramsey was talking as we moved along but I didn’t hear a single word of it. I hated being near Vic and it showed.