Page 79 of Volatile Obsessions

? Party Favors - Tinashe & Young Thug ?

Iknew I was fucked when it came to Lux from the moment I first laid eyes on her, but that kiss just about signed my name on the dotted line.

In my blood.

I couldn’t get it, or her, out of my mind.

Couldn’t get the horrified look on her face or the way she ran from me out of my mind.

She was shook—rightfully so—bolted before I could grab her, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she went into hiding regardless of me hand-delivering another threat. Might’ve been a good thing honestly, because I wouldn’t’ve have been much help. Other than pinning her to the wall and kissing her senseless a second time.

And a third.

And a fourth.

I knew I was in the wrong, knew I should not have gone anywhere near there, but I couldn’t reign myself in.

I had to do it.

She was rightthere, her lips were right there,and after showing me a side of her I never expected to see—no matter how brief—I reacted accordingly.

She wanted to me to do it, too.

Lux could deny it all she wanted. She could overthink it until she made herself sick, but I knew she wanted me to do it.

The way she melted against me proved it.

Ding, dong!

The abrupt chime of my doorbell sucked me back into the present. I nearly groaned in exasperation.

I was no more thrilled about Vic’s audacious and covertly planned hurricane soiree than I was when he first informed me several days back. It was cracked, and considering he’d arranged the entire thing behind my back, dodgy as fuck.

“It’s party time, bro. You ready?” the bastard himself asked as he sauntered through the kitchen to the front doors to welcome our first guests.

He was almost dressed to the nines in a crisp ebony dress shirt and slacks, which made absolutely no sense to me. Was he expecting the red carpet or the paparazzi?

I nodded wordlessly and flashed him the horns as I went about stocking the last few beers in the fridge. The thing looked like it belonged at a frat house.

Thank fuck for having all the strong shit locked up in my office. I was damn sure going to need something a hell of a lot stronger than just beer to get me through the rest of the night.

A little over an hour later, the festivities were officially in full swing, and the hurricane was moving in quickly. Most of our attendees were present and accounted for, and the majority of them had congregated in the main living area off the kitchen.

Music blared from space to space, as did random bouts of laughter and mixed conversation. I did my best to greet everyone, offering drinks when necessary, but the sheer amount of bodies packed in here was already overwhelming.

Again, thank fuck for bourbon.

By my third, there wasn’t a thing in the world that could ruffle my feathers. A king in my castle, I was actually starting to have a good time—chatting, networking, even a little dancing. I’d even forgotten about Vic and his overly cheery self.

Until I caught a flash of emerald from the corner of my eyes.

I almost spit my drink out, had to do a double-take.

At first, I thought I’d already drank too much, but reality is, I’d know that bright emerald mane anywhere. Had it engrained in my mind, along with the sharp edges of her profile, and the supple pout of her lips.

And those eyes, fuck me—don’t get me started on those feral, sexy eyes; the perfect, blue cat eyes, slanted with malice and all.

They locked right on me and held me captive to her allure.