Sounded like dishes clashing in the sink.
“Are you insane? You’re in a high-rise!” she squeaked, and I rolled my eyes, clutching my towel as I rose onto my feet.
“And? Your point?”
“It’s not safe, L. Those buildings sway with high winds. Not to mention you’re surrounded by windows, windows that won’t be protected.”
“I understand that but, I don’t really have much of a choice,” I chuckled, wandering back into my closet. “It’s not like I have family I can hunker down with. I’ll be fine.”
“No, you won’t,” she deadpanned. “It’s a big storm, Lux—you’re coming with me.”
“Where?” I was intrigued to say the least, rummaging through my wardrobe once more.
“To this hurricane party Marco invited me to.”
“Marco, as in Stryker’s mate?”
“Yup.” She popped the P, whipping my head back in disbelief.
“Since when do you talk to Marco?”
“Since the other night when I showed up at Vybe and he was there.”
And where was I?
If it was within the last week, probably obsessing over Roman…
“Does this mean Stryker and Suki will be there, too?” I hedged, swallowing down the abrasive lump in my throat as those vicious thoughts of our kiss plagued me yet again.
“No actually,” Ramsey snickered. “Suki’s staying at Stryker’s.”
I heard the words, both my mouth and eyes popping in surprise, but it took several moments for what the full extent of that statement meant.
She was staying with Stryker and she hadn’t told me?
“What?! When did this happen?”
“I don’t know. She literally just told me about ten minutes ago when I called her to ask if she wanted to come with.”
My hand clenched around one of my little black dresses. “You called her before me?” I couldn’t hide the disappointment in my voice.
“L, c’mon—don’t take it personal. Shit, I don’t and you two leave me out of a lot,” she countered, ripping what sounded like a paper towel free from the kitchen roll.
“We do not,” I blurted out, yanking my dress off the hanger.
“Yes, you do, but that’s okay. You’ve known her forever. I wouldn’t expect anything less.” I could almost see her shrugging. “Not the point, though…are you coming or do I have to drag you?”
Sighing, I set the phone on speaker and tossed it on my bed.
“Where is this supposed party?” I questioned, dropping my towel as I pulled out a pair of panties from my nightstand and shimmied into them.
“I don’t know, somewhere near Star Island which means plenty of space, lots of booze, and a good time.”
“You really want to stay at some random house for God knows how many hours?”
“It’s better than your flat or my shit hole in Carol City. Besides, if Marco is going, I’m sure that means whoever’s throwing this shit must be cool people.”
Somehow, I doubted that. Cool people didn’t exist nowadays. Our world was beyond fucked up, humanity included. Most people—myself included—had cruel intentions.
Sad, but true.
“We’ll check it out,” I conceded doubtingly, “but I’m not making any promises. One measly bad vibe and I’m out of there, you hear me? I don’t care if it’s raining a tsunami outside, I’m leaving.”
Now had I only stood my ground and held onto the already festering bad vibe roiling my gut, I could have avoided what I would later deem the night the devil finally possessed me.