? Carousel - Melanie Martinez ?
That kiss.That electrifying, inebriating kiss.His lips devouring mine.So warm and demanding.
It was on replay.
Wet mouths.
Haunting me…
Frantic hands.
Enticing me…
Dueling tongues.
I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Even now, as the scalding shower pelted my face, all I could focus on was the way Roman’s mouth nearly devoured me.
He would have for sure had I not left when I did.
Truthfully speaking, I think he did regardless because I could still feel every bit of it diverging through my body.
Just one taste, Lux—quick and painless.
That moment right there, the one where he first put his lips on me without abandon…
That’s what I felt most.
Electrifying my fingertips, burning up my neck.
Searing my lips.
My nipples puckered at the reminder, the warm rivulets of water running down my breasts clinging to each rigid peak.
I squeezed a small globe in each hand to wane off the sharp bite and threw my head back.
Eyes shut.
Heart palpitating.
If this is what he could do to me with a kiss alone, imagine what he could do…
That image was hazardous.
I shouldn’t be thinking such thoughts, shouldn’t be thinking about him, period, but I couldn’t stop.
Didn’t know how.
He’d left a whole new mark on me, and I didn’t know what the hell to do about it.
Was there even anything I could do?
No, probably not.
I mean, I hadn’t done a very good job at running him out of Miami thus far, so how in the ever-loving fuck was I supposed to stop this?