? Gangsta - Kehlani ?
Iwas shaking in my seat the entire drive home, my hands white-knuckling the steering wheel from the strain of my hold. I wasn’t just angry—I was beside myself.
With myself.
With him.
Once again, this man proved he had the ability to diverge a dozen different emotions through my body in one go, and I couldn’t wrap my head around it in the slightest.
How was this bloody possible?
I kept telling myself I hated him, kept telling him I hated him, but the second he was anywhere near me, I lit up from the inside out, forgot all about what a trying pest he’d been since stepping foot in Miami.
And the more it happened, the harder it was to continue denying there an obvious attraction burning between us.
An attraction I wished didn’t exist.
Running him out of my city would be a million times easier if I didn’t feel so…
I shook my head.
No, I’m not going there…
Go on, say it, pressed that little voice in my head. If you didn’t feel so…
“Intimidated,” I whispered, slamming my foot on the brake at a red light.
That singular yet loaded word shot a horrified gasp out of my mouth. My head started spinning. Panic clawed its way deep into my being, wiping out every last bit of denial clouding my judgment.
No. NO. This can’t be happening.
Hands shaking, I reached for my iPhone lodged in the cupholder and quickly opened up my group thread with Suki and Ramsey.
Me: 911
Their replies were nearly instantaneous and came in within seconds of each other.
Suki: I’m here! What happened?
Ramsey: What the hell happened? Are you okay?!
I was about to punch in my response when several cars behind me honked angrily, snapping my gaze up to see, not only the now green light, but other drivers zooming past me on my left.
“Shit!” I hissed, dropping my phone into my lap as I stepped on the gas, gunning it through the intersection. Palm tress, street lights, and buildings alike were nothing but one big blur.
This can’t be happening. This can’t be fucking happening.
Oh, but it is, went that little voice again. And no, you’re not over-thinking it.
More pings sounded off between my legs, reminding me I hadn’t replied to my girls after calling for help, something I hadn’t dared to do after what happened with Vic. If I told them, Suki would’ve snapped like a damn twig and gone on a rampage with Ramsey closely on her tail. They would’ve ripped him apart piece by piece, fed him to the wolves.
Yes, he deserved it, worse than that if I’m being honest with myself, but I wouldn’t fare well without them if they ended up in prison on my behalf.
Some things were just better left unsaid.
Approaching another red light, I slowed to a stop and scooped my phone up with a quickness, their frantic messages clogging the notifications on my screen.