Page 41 of Volatile Obsessions

After rounding the entire perimeter of the building, Stryker deemed the back entrance our easiest option. Considering it was likely that the barrels would be back here anyway, Suki and I let him do his thing. Took the man no more than five minutes to toy with the locks and pull the doors open.

Flashlights and hammers in hand, Suki and I made our way through the darkened factory in search of the whiskey barrels with Stryker looming not too far behind.

The search didn't last long.

They were right where I thought they would be, all of them neatly and chronologically organized in floor to ceiling wooden shelves.

“Do you wanna do the honors?” I asked Suki.

It was her idea after all.

“Na, you do it, babe. Leave the motherfucker high and dry.”

A delighted smile curled my lips as I tightened my grip on the hammer.

Oh to be a fly on the wall...