Page 39 of Volatile Obsessions

“How?” I questioned, genuinely intrigued by her suggestion.

Suki bounced onto her feet excitedly and held a hand out to me. “Wanna take a little trip?”

“Where?” I asked warily, slipping my palm in hers.

“Noir Coast, of course.”

“The distillery? Why?”

That evil Suki smile split across her lips. “Because we’re going to let it pour til the very last drop.”

* * *

Less than an hour later,Suki and I were hidden in the shadows on Noir Coast’s grounds waiting for Stryker. The original plan didn’t call for his assistance, but after further consideration, it was clear we were going to need another set of eyes on the lot. He wasn’t sold at first, but once he realized Suki was tagging along, too, he agreed to help us keep watch while we did the dirty work.

For the most part, Stryker did a good job at staying out of trouble for the sake of his custody battle, but the man just couldn’t resist my girl.

Suki asked.

He delivered.


No matter what.

Again, why they weren’t together yet was beyond me.

“Will you stop fidgeting?” Suki hissed from our place beneath a large tree.

“I can’t help it, bitch. I’m dying under all these layers!” I hissed back, pushing up the sleeves of my black hoodie. “Remind me why it’s necessary for us to wear all this shit?”

“Do you want to get caught on camera?”

“I don’t really give three flying fucks, Suk. The man is going to know it was me the second he opens those doors tomorrow morning. Who fucking cares if he catches us on tape?”

She glared at me like I’d lost my damn mind. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not too keen on ending up at the county jail for breaking and entering. Oh, and vandalizing, too.”

“I’d say you have a point, but you seem to forget we’re dealing with Roman. All this is going to do is fire him up and, hopefully, get him moving. I can guarantee you there won’t be any cops involved.”

“I didn’t forget, I’m just not willing to take the chance. From what you’ve told me, King is a wild card. Locking you up would make things a lot easier for him.”

She has a point…

“True,” I agreed. “But no, I’m telling you. He wouldn’t do that, not when bringing the cops into this could end badly for him as well. He’ll handle it himself, trust me.”

“Yeah, while he handles your pussy,” she quipped, voice hushed.

My mouth popped open, an only half-amused scoff bursting its way out.

This bitch.

“What the hell did you just say?”

Suki flashed me that wannabe angelic smile, batting her long lashes and all. “Oh, nothinggg.”

I was just about to backhand her arm when a formidable voice boomed suddenly mere feet away.

“Hey! You two! Don’t move!”