This, however, was a whole different ballgame. I hadn’t picked up on it much over the phone, but now that I was seeing her in person, now that we were face to face...
It was so blatantly obvious.
The girl had snapped.
“What do you want, Liza?” I finally asked, watching her warily.
Dropping down onto the edge of the bed, that creepy smile of hers widened. “I told you already. I want you, and now I have you.”
A chill rolled down my spine.
That’s what she’d said on the phone… Swore none of this was about Leo. I didn’t want to upset her, because who knows what she was capable of at this point in time, but I was interested to see how she would react if I brought him up.
“What about Leo?” I hedged, gauging her closely.
Her blue eyes darkened, narrowing into tiny malignant slits. “He’s dead. You killed him, remember?” she snapped.
“Of course, he deserved it,” I boasted, lifting my chin high as she shot onto her feet.
“No one deserves to die!”
“And yet, here we are. You’ve stalked me, finally got your hands on me. Isn’t the next part of your plan to kill me?”
Liza groaned in exasperation and thrusted her fingers into her blonde hair. “Why don’t you listen to me?! I’ve already told you—I don’t want to kill you! I just. Want. You!” she screeched demonically.
“What does that mean, though? You want me for what?”
“It means I want you for me. I want you to serve me, to love me. I’ll love both of you back, I swear it.” Her voice was much softer now, tears bubbling in her eyes.
She made no sense whatsoever, and my head was starting to spin from her demented behavior. “Both of you?”
Liza nodded, toying with the belt of her robe. “You and Vic.”
Vic. That’s right—he was here, too. After the bash to my head, I’d forgotten all about him.
“Where is Vic?” I asked.
“In his room. Don’t worry, I gave you the better one. You can’t tell him, though—he may get a little jealous,” she giggled.
Like a child.
Alarm bells blared once more as a heaping dose of nausea twisted my gut like a sodden towel.
What that statement subtly implied…
“How long are you expecting us to stay here?” I questioned, praying to whatever deity might hear me that she was not about to say what I thought she was.
“That’s a silly question, baby.” She advanced several steps forward. “Forever, obviously.”
It was.
Fuck, it was!
I had to get out of here.
This wasn’t what I’d signed up for, involuntarily or otherwise. I certainly didn’t want to die at her hands, but again, I wasn’t afraid to meet the grim reaper.
I’d take death over this fresh hell…