I couldn’t help but laugh despite knowing she’d been drinking, very likely, because of what went down last night. “Christ, you’re fucked up.”
“Am n-not.”
“Okay, pissed out of your mind is more like it.”
“Rome!” she whined, to which Suki mimicked in the background. “Knock it off! I’m not pissed!”
“You were earlier,” I pointed out, and I wasn’t referring to alcohol anymore.
I hadn’t even meant to say it. It just…came out.
The line fell completely silent, so silent, in fact, I found myself glancing at the screen to ensure the call hadn’t dropped.
“Lux, you there?” I asked.
“I’m here… And I know,” she admitted softly, the volume of the music fading dramatically. Then a door clicked shut. “It was stupid and immature, and just… Ugh. I’m sorry.”
Flipping on my blinker, I cut off some old geezer—who was driving 30 miles per hour—and dropped a gear, the engine roaring powerfully beneath my foot flooring the gas. Hearing her apologize was a relief. Not that I needed an apology, but it served to confirm this tiff was nothing. “Don’t be. If I caught some bloke blatantly trying to get so chummy with you, I’d have done the same, too.”
“Worse, maybe.” Lux laughed, but I could tell it was only half-genuine. Not a word followed the dismal sound either, drowning the line in another thick bout of silence.
Silence drenched in guilt, more specifically.
Personally, her jealousy spike was nothing short of adorable. I loved the fact that she was possessive in her own way.
But this wasn’t a game anymore.
She was mine, and I was hers, and propriety wasn’t something either one of us took lightly.
“I know Suki’s there,” I said after a beat, finally easing onto I-95 with nothing but determination and urgency thrumming through my veins. “But do you need anything?”
“You,” she whispered meekly.
One word.
That one little word was all I needed.
All I wanted.
“I’m on my way,” I warned her, weaving in and out of light traffic in a hurried fashion.
Horns blared above Imagine Dragons as I cut people off and I could give all of three fucks.
A man on a mission was a force to be messed with.
Honk, wankers.
“Really?” she squeaked.
I nodded regardless of the fact she couldn’t see me. “Fuck yes. Don’t fall asleep. .”
“I won’t.”
Damn right you won’t.
“And Lux?”