Was it really worth it?
For starters, I’d be putting myself in the shadowy spotlight of malfeasance yet again, and that presented a problem for me. Could attract a certain breed I had no intention of interacting with ever again.
“Does your previous offer still stand?” I blurted, ‘cause if it didn’t, I was out. I wouldn’t be doing this shit for free, not when so much was at stake.
“Absolutely. I don’t mind sharing with someone who’s going to help make this possible,” he affirmed.
And if he didn’t, I’d kill him. Simple.
“Then you’ve got yourself a deal, Kane.” Holding a hand out, I rose to full height. “But I want proof you’ll hold true to your word. I need a nice place to stay and my own personal form of transportation by the end of the week. Otherwise, I’m afraid I can’t help.”
Didn’t hurt to state my terms and remind him I wasn’t his bitch. He wanted my help? Then we were doing this shit my way.
Vic nodded, grinning from ear to ear as we shook hands. “We can make that happen. C’mon, let’s go meet the boys at Brickhouse and I’ll brief you all on the Queen of Miami. We have moves to make soon.”
“She won’t be the Queen much longer”—I straightened my jacket—“We’ll see what happens once Roman King turns her world upside down.”
* * *
Later on that evening,after a few Corona’s and a lucrative plan laid out for me in great detail, I finally made it back to my suite at The Colony. Weeknight or not, South Beach was thrumming with life, making it nearly impossible for me to drift off. The walls vibrated from the volume of the music and all the commotion outside as I laid there on the plush bed, staring at the tray ceiling above me in sick anticipation.
My entire body buzzed like a live wire at the many ideas racing to the forefront of my mind. The smell of a challenge hung thick in the air, exciting me more than it should’ve. Apparently, Miss Mercier was quite the busy woman; a true hustler focused on her money. Black Widowwas her baby, a make-up company she’d launched on whim a little over a year ago. It did well enough that it served perfectly as a cover up operation for her drug ring, too, the drug ring that provided her the money to fund Black Widow.
Oh, but that’s not all.
Oh no.
She was also co-owner of some highly popular dance studio in the city.
The Queen seemed to be more of a jack of all trades, and I was thoroughly intrigued. Was beyond eager to meet this vindictive little pigeon…and turn her life into a living hell.
She deserved it, from what Vic shared with me.
Initially, I wasn’t too fond of what all his strategy entailed, but the more he elaborated and the more I thought on it, the more I realized I’d do anything in my power to make it work.
Vic wanted me on the front lines, the leading pawn meant to hop across the chess board and dethrone the Queen.
And honestly, I was perfectly okay with that.
I’d done it once and I’d do it again.
Not just for Vic and all he’d promised me, but for those who’d been silenced and banished, too.
This woman had ruled over Miami for a minute too long, backstabbing and incinerating anyone who stood in her path along the way.
But not for much longer.
Lux Mercier was about to learn the value of loyalty and respect. And if she didn’t, I wouldn’t hesitate making a mockery of her for all the world to see before sucking the life from her veins.