? Mine - Bazzi ?
Me: Answer, please.
Me: This is all a misunderstanding.
Me: I swear to you, baby, nothing happened.
Me: I didn’t touch her. She came on to me and I declined.
Me: Lux, please listen to me. Answer me. I can explain everything.
From last night to this morning, I’d sent Lux over fifteen text messages and called her a dozen times, if not more.
Every message went unanswered.
Every call was sent to voicemail.
I was anxious, pissed right the hell off, too. How to the fuck was I supposed to fix this mess when she was giving me the cold shoulder?
Unrightfully so, I should add.
What she saw from her vantage point, what her mind had obviously led her to believe, was not what happened.
Not even close.
Azalea had completely caught me off-guard when Lux ran off to the restroom.
I was stewing after the Vic revelation, consumed by thoughts of both murdering him with my bare hands and burying myself in Lux straight through next week. It was all I could see on the glistening surface of the whiskey in my glass.
But then a small hand draped over my arm from the other side of the bar…
“Why so miffed, handsome?”
Snapping my head up, I’m met by regal gray eyes. I recognize them immediately, the long lilac waves of her hair too.
“What are you doing here?” I ask her.
Azalea looks at me like I’m clueless. “I work here, silly. I must have been on my break when you walked in.”
“I see,” I nod, taking a sip from my glass.
“So how’ve you been?” she presses, keen on continuing our conversation.
I, on the other hand, would rather not.
“I’ve been better,” I grate dryly, hoping she’ll take the hint.
“I figured. You look like—”
“Yo, Zay!” A voice from somewhere behind me interrupts her. “Table five needs refills; two Corona’s and a Blue Moon!”
“Coming right up!” she answers, then goes on to squeeze my arm, flashing me a coy wink. “I’ll be right back.”
I would prefer she didn’t, am about to tell her as much, but she’s gone to the other end of the bar before I can utter two words. Perhaps seeing Lux at my side when she returns from the ladies room will warn her off from approaching me again.
Minutes later, there’s a tap at my back. I swivel around, expecting to see my Queen, but it’s Azalea. She settles herself between my already spread legs and throws her arms around my neck.
“As I was saying, you look like hell. I can make it better, though,” she coos.