? Madness - Ruelle ?
“What. The. Fuck. Did you just say?” Rome gritted out, his eyes darkening in that demonic way that could clear out a room.
“He violated me,” my voice cracked, tears welling unbidden in my eyes as the nauseating memory rushed me. “He fucking violated me right here.” I motioned to my desk.
“When did this happen?” he pressed sharply.
“Months ago, when you and I first met.”
“What happened exactly? Tell me everything so I know how to gauge where he sits on the scale.”
I wiped the wetness clinging to my cheeks. “What scale?”
“The scale of death, ‘cause I’m going to fucking rip him apart,” he growled vehemently.
“Rome, please, just—”
“Just tell me what happened, Lux!” The boom of his voice bounced off the walls, shooting my shoulders up to my ears.
Thank God I’d sent Ellie home early.
“I was here late one night. Got wrapped up in a phone call with Isabella, my now head of marketing, and when we hung up, Vic was standing at the doorway. Said he’d forgotten his charger,” I explained hastily, hoping that if I started talking, he’d calm down a bit.
An abrupt flash of skepticism rained over his enraged features. “His charger?”
I nodded, wringing my hands together.
“And you believed that?” he spat.
“He’d never given me a reason not to believe him, so yes, I did. We had a quick chat, I dismissed him under the notion I’d be leaving soon, and before I knew it, he was on me.”
Rome inhaled a deep breath, shutting his eyes and all, gathering himself. “Did he actually…”
“Yes,” I admitted, “held me down through the entire thing. He even covered my mouth at one point to shield my cries.” More tears broke free, leaking down my face in white-hot trails of despair.
And Rome’s silence only made them worse, bursting the dam of hell wide open.
“Shhh, just relax,” he tried cajoling me, holding me steady with a firm arm around my waist as his hand effortlessly yanked up my fitted pencil skirt. “You know you miss me. I’m sure your cunt misses me, too.”
“I said no, Vic. Stop.”
The more I resisted, the more he held me down.
The more a smile tore across his face.
I could barely look at him, barely recognized him. The fire in his green eyes was truly alarming. I couldn’t believe the direction this was going in, especially when he knew everything about me.
Why was he doing this?
Full-blown panic seized me. My pulse was sky high as every hair on my body stood at attention. “Don’t do this, please,” I begged him shamelessly, which only seemed to please him more.
He smiled brighter, clamping a hand down on my mouth while the other slipped beneath my panty line and found my sex. I mewled when his middle finger slid between my lips, but it was far from pleasured.
“Goddamn, look how wet you are,” he growled, working his finger inside me. “You did miss me.”
I shook my head and tried feebly to shove him off, but once again, I was no match for his muscle or his dexterity. In seconds, he had my arms behind my back, my weight keeping them secured beneath me, before he was pinning me down with that palm on my mouth again. I was completely immobilized and at his mercy, laid out on my desk for him to do as he pleased.
And that included ripping my knickers off my body.