“I don’t know—I can’t see. Flash your light.”
Enabling the light on my phone, I shined it over the area in question. “Looks like she’s the only one. Grab her, baby.”
“I’m trying! C’mere, girl,” Lux cooed, reaching out with a cajoling hand while making adorable and unbelievably realistic little mewling sounds.
And then she wondered why I called her kitty kat...
Took several minutes and a whole lot of patience, but the kitten finally approached her, climbing right into her grasp. Rising to full height beside me, Lux lifted the little feline and nuzzled the top of her head.
“No collar—she’s probably wild,” I pointed out.
Lux nodded, completely taken with the teeny animal.
“I’d ask if you’re superstitious but…”
“Yeah, I’m not,” she laughed. “And even if I was…look at her little face. She’s co cute!”
“We should keep her,” I suggested.
My proposition snapped her gaze on me in record timing.
“We?” she stressed.
Nodding, I reached out to pet the little thing. “I quite like felines, and she is rather cute.”
“Cuter than me?” Lux quipped.
“Just about,” I joked. “What should we name her?”
Lux lifted her in the air and observed her closely, tilting her head from side to side. “She looks like a Wednesday.”
Christina Ricci was the first thing that came to mind. “As in Addams?”
“Don’t you think so?” she asked, turning back toward me.
The more I examined the feline, the more I could see it, but even if I hadn’t, it was Lux’s choice. She was elated to have come across this little creature, and all I cared about was her happiness. She could have wanted to name her Beans and I’d have agreed.
Chuckling, I pet her again. “You’re right, she does.”
“Wednesday it is then,” she conceded. “Wednesday Mercier-King.”
I kinda liked that sound of that…