Page 135 of Volatile Obsessions

The surprise half he still hadn’t budged and told me anything about.

Yet again, the thought of what exactly this surprise was made me anxious, but I stuffed down that vicious sense of unease and told myself all would be well.

How could it not after we’d had such a nice dinner?

Headed South on the Palmetto, I tried piecing together where we could be headed based on the landmarks we passed, but I came up empty-handed on more than one occasion.

Rome stifled a laugh beside me. “Tell me you’re not still trying to figure it out?”

“I can’t help it.” I shrugged, biting back a smile at the amusement etched on his handsome face. “I’m anxious.”

“Hate to break it to you, kitty kat, but you’re about to be even more anxious here in a second or so.”


“Because I need you to close your eyes,” he explained.

I froze solid in my seat. “What? No.”

“Yes.” He nodded, grinning devilishly.

“I’m not closing my eyes, Rome,” I gritted out, gripping the door handle for dear life.

“You are, or I’ll pull over and blindfold you instead.”

Thump, thump, thump.


“I know, baby, I fucking know, which is why I’m asking you to please, for the love of God, close your eyes.”

“I don’t believe in God,” I muttered.

“Do it for me then. Close your eyes for me,” he countered.


That face.

His excitement.

“I hate you.” My eyes narrowed.

Unfazed by my glare, he waved me off. “That’s fine, we’ve been here before. I promise you it’ll be worth it.”

“Fine. Fineee,” I yielded, slipping shaky hands over my eyes.

“Keep them closed. No peeking, okay?”


Pulse erratic.

Stomach in my throat.

I began counting in my head as a distraction.

It literally felt like I’d counted to a million by the time Roman finally piped up again.