“Got you thinking now, huh?” he questioned, voice dripping with amusement.
“Obviously. That was the most vague hint of all time,” I muttered.
Rome gave a little shrug and flipped his blinker on before switching lanes onto the interstate. “A hint is a hint, baby, and that’s all you’re getting. Stop over-thinking it. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, we’ll be there soon.”
So I did.
For the sake of not unnecessarily dragging our evening through the mud, I bit my tongue and shut my trap.
It wasn’t an easy feat by any means.
The need to retort and sass him was there, right there, but I managed to quell it.
I mean, he’d obviously spent a lot of time planning this out, right? What type of—dare I say it—girlfriend would I be if I threw it all to hell because the thought of surprises gave me anxiety?
Sensing my unease, Roman reached out and turned up the volume on the radio, effectively killing the dreadful silence and the tension in my shoulders.
I melted into the seat and took a deep, calming breath, listening to The Weeknd’s voice croon about putting time in for a chick.
The more I listened, the harder the lyrics hit me.
They were Suki’s words from earlier in the day…
He’s putting time in, Lux. This isn’t a joke to him. That man is playing for keeps—permanent keeps—and you’re the million dollar prize He’s falling in love with you.
Thankfully, the volume was loud enough to mask the gasp that shot out of my mouth.
Was this a sign or the stars aligning to prove a point?
The point being we had one-hundred percent crossed over into uncharted territory.
“Still over-thinking I see.” His voice boomed.
“I’m not,” I lied.
“You are, I know you. Talk to me, tell me what’s running through your mind.”
Sinking my teeth into my lower lip, I shook my head and busied myself with tracing the rose vibrantly inked on his hand.
“Lux…” his voice boomed, darting my eyes back on his form. “Tell me.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it tonight.”
“Should I be concerned?” he pressed.
“That doesn’t sound very reassuring.”
“I promise, it’s nothing. I’m just…”
“Over-thinking.” He chuckled, and I smiled.
“Pretty much.”
* * *
A little over an hour later,Rome and I slipped out of the Japanese restaurant hand in hand, and set off for the second half of our date.