I almost spilled what little remained of the wine, choking back a proper full-bellied laugh as Ramsey squealed in disgust and shoved Suki off, hastily wiping her cheek clean.
“You’re disgusting,” she hissed, swiping the remnants along Suki’s inked arm.
Not that Suki cared, much to her dismay. She merely shrugged and reached across the counter for the bottle, swatting my protective hand out of the way.
“Once again, as you were saying, L. Hector—the imbecile—Ramos…”
“More like Hector—soon-to-be shark bait—Ramos,” I snickered.
Suki and Ramsey both stared at me, chocolate brown and hazel eyes wide.
“You’re feeding him to the fish?” Ramsey screeched.
“He deserves worse, trust me. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…”
“Except there is no twice with you,” Suki jeered.
“Damn right. Told Vic to chop him up into pieces if he had to,” I added.
“Speaking of Vic,” she began, waggling her eyebrows. “How’s that going?”
“Same place as it was before—no where. More so now.”
“Why? He’s hot as fuck.”
“He’s also stupid as fuck. Not to mention he’s acting rather shady these days.”
“Shady?” That was Ramsey whose curiosity was obviously roused.
“Very. Shows up late to work, does the bare minimum, takes all these mysterious phone calls. The list of shit I’ve noticed is endless.”
“Have you guys, you know,” she pressed.
“Not for a while, no. He doesn’t even call me after-hours anymore.” I tipped my head back, draining the contents of my glass. “Honestly, I don’t give a fuck. He wasn’t the greatest lay anyway. But like I said, shady.”
“That bastard better not be fucking with you or I’ll castrate him with my bare hands,” Suki snarled, looking like she was ready to hunt him down, and Ramsey nodded in accordance right along with her.
“Agreed. I may be quiet most of the time but—”
“It’s always the quiet ones,” I joked, the sudden buzz of my phone dragging my attention away from the girls.
Plucking it off the counter, I glazed over the message displayed on my screen.
Stryker: We still on for next week?
A smile drifted across my face for two reasons.
“Ohhh, Sukiii,” I sang, shoving my phone in her face. “It’s your lover boy.”
Suki’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, little stars forming in her eyes at the mere sight of his name. “Now he is hot. Fine as hell to be exact,” she stated, fanning herself with a quick hand. “One day he’ll be mine.”
Ramsey and I laughed at her not-so-secret fantasy as I typed out my response.
Me: Without a doubt! See you then!