Page 112 of Volatile Obsessions

“Your boys?” The slight hint of jealousy in his voice prompted me to snap my gaze up to his face.

“Roscoe and Vic,” I explained hurriedly. “Roscoe is head of security. Vic acts as a personal assistant of sorts, or well, he used to be.”

“Used to?”

I nodded. “We’re not really on speaking terms these days. He’s been rather MIA, too.”

“I see,” he said simply, passing me the pipe and a lighter. “You get greens, love.”

Taking the proffered paraphernalia, I held the pipe up to my lips and flicked the lighter, bringing the flame up to the end and sucking in a drag.

All the while, those blue eyes, curious as ever, regarded me throughout.

I instantly regretted inhaling so deeply. Whatever the strain was, it was strong as hell, the mass cloud of smoke catching roughly in my throat. I let it go with a quickness but still found myself nearly coughing up a lung, to which Rome grinned and shook his head. His expression was both delighted and a little surprised.

“Rookie cough,” he joked, tucking everything back into his pockets.

I took another quick hit and passed it off, blowing this one out—thankfully—without incident. “I don’t smoke often. Plus, it’s strong as fuck.”

“Sure, blame it on the bud.”

“I’m serious,” I squeaked, shoving his arm playfully.

Me, squeaking, being playful.

What the hell was wrong with me?

Rome must’ve clocked on to my unease because he doubled back on the conversation. That, or our little moment made him anxious as well. “So back you were saying… Stalker. Your men can’t find him?”

“No.” I shook my head. “He’s another you—a ghost. Phantom 2.0.”

“Phantom, huh?” He smirked.

Cocky ass.

“The Phantom Menace,” I corrected him.

Chuckling, he shook his head. He didn’t seem at all fazed by my jab, his smirk darkening all the more as he lifted the pipe to his lips and took another hit.

I watched him, completely entranced—the way he took a pull, how he tipped his head back before letting it go. It was all just so sexy.

“I can assure you he’s not a ghost,” he exhorted through his puff, blowing out a few perfectly shaped O’s. “He’s very much real, and he sounded highly determined to get to you.”

“Again, kind of like you.”

Rome grinned slyly. “Pretty much.”

My stomach whirled.

This was all so chill it bordered on bizarre.

I actually wanted to be here with him.

Swallowing down such realizations, I laid my head back against the ledge and curled up my knees, hugging them to keep myself grounded. “What exactly did you overhear him saying again?”

“I didn’t catch all of it. Really only paid attention once I heard your name. Said something about paying you the visit you deserved.”

“What did he look like?”