Page 102 of Volatile Obsessions

“It’s nothing. Just some work shit.”

Suki and Ramsey exchanged a knowing look before they pinned it on me.

“I’m calling bull, L,” Ramsey piped up first.

“Oh, it’s bull, alright,” Suki agreed, bounding up to me with an accusing finger pointed at my chest. “Do I need to remind you I was there? I saw you, L, and I don’t mean just your performance. I saw you and King outside after the fact. All of it.”

Ramsey gasped and shuffled forward, too, as my entire body broke out in goose pimples. “What happened?”

“You wanna tell her or should I?” Suki snapped.

I bounced my gaze between the two.

Should I tell them?

Had Suki really seen or was she spouting shit out of her ass to get me to talk? Wouldn’t be the first time.

“Well, I’d like to know what you supposedly saw before I tell Rams how insane you are.”

Suki looked at me like I’d lost my mind, her mouthing popping open and all. “Are you kidding me right now? Is he frying your brain cells that much?”

“Just tell me what you saw Suk!” I barked.

My patience had about reached its end.

“They were arguing.” She turned to Ramsey. “I couldn’t hear about what exactly with the music blaring, but they were arguing, Lux had him cornered. And from one second to the next, they were on each other like rabid animals. Like they needed each other to breathe.”

Ramsey’s eyes blew up. I could almost see a million little hearts swimming to the surface within them.

“Is this true?” she asked.

I didn’t move a single muscle. Didn’t speak. I just stared at them with the most blank expression possible.

Wasn’t blank enough, though.

The answer must have been written all over my face given the way realization dawned over hers. “You’re sleeping with the enemy?!”

Fucks sake.

Attempting to remain as calm as possible, I offered them a simple shake of my head. “We haven’t slept together.”

“Yet,” Suki chimed in.

“No, not yet, for your information,” I retorted. “We came to an agreement actually.”

An anxious silence briefly filled the room as they stood before me, waiting for me to elaborate.

The sigh that left me could not have sounded more exasperated. “We agreed to stay away from each other.”

Suki scoffed and rolled her eyes while Ramsey busted out laughing, shaking her flaming red head.

“I’d like to point out that I—”

“If you say called it so help me God, Rams,” I growled, beyond irate at their reactions.

“She did, though,” Suki countered in her defense. “We both did, but that’s beside the point. I could give three fucks if you’re turning him inside out or not. What I want to know is why the bloody hell you’ve been hiding this from us? I mean, I suspected, hence why I did what I did, but really? Really, L?”

The was a tinge of an ache in her voice. An ache I’d put there by being unnecessarily secretive, an ache that lanced right through me and wound itself around my heart.