“Oh please, you knew they’d kill me, which leads me to wonder... Is that why you left? Because they’d handle the dirty work for you? What's wrong, Dimitri, not man enough to kill your own wife,” I cooed tauntingly, driven by the weapon in myhands.
A ferocious growl resonated within his chest as his brows cinched together and he pulled a gun from the inside pocket of his blazer, aiming it Knox’s head. Somehow, I figured that was coming, but still I gasped, praying to the Heavens above I was playing this right. Just a few moreminutes...
“Let him go,” I grittedout.
“I'm afraid I cannot do that. He is toovaluable.”
“Then put the gun down and back away fromhim.”
“Drop yours and I will,” he challenged, but I shook my head, holding the gun steadier than ever; my resolvetoo.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. He’s too valuable,” I said, mirroring his words, my gaze darting to Knox, who stood tall. If he was afraid right in that moment, you’d never know, except in the way he mouthed “Hazel.”
Oh myGod.
My blood ran ice cold. What had he done toher?
“Where's Hazel?” I blurted out, trying my damndest to remaincalm.
“I believe Maksim tossed her back into the hold, which would be okay, if she didn't have a bomb strapped to her body,” he sneered, though his tone was more amused than anything else as he pulled a little black box from his pocket, an atomic red button glowing right in thecenter.
My eyes widened in horror and Knox nodded as subtly as possible, throwing my heart intooverdrive.
Stay strong, Maya.Breathe...
“Disarm it,” I demanded in the most confident voice I couldrally.
“I will, once Mr. Carr sees through to his end of ourdeal.”
“No deals, not with them. Disarm it now and let themgo.”
“I don't think you heard me,Mishka,” he growled. “Mr. Carr is of great value to me at the moment, and his little pet is my leverage. I have no intention of hurting her; unless, of course, he fails, then she won't fare sowell.”
“It’ll be you that doesn’t fare so well if you don’t let them go,” I retorted, taking several stepsfurther.
Obviously, that was a bad move on my part, but I didn't realize it until Dimitri pressed the tip of the gun to Knox’shead.
“Don't do it,Mishka. I will shoot him and obliterate your littlefriend.”
“You're bluffing.” I knew it damn well. “If you press that button, we all go. Drop the gun,Dimitri.”
“Damn it, Maya,” he roared furiously. “Do as I say or you'll regret it the next time we’realone!”
“There is no next time for you,” I corrected, because salvation hadarrived...
Thunderous stomps abruptly sounded off from overhead, furrowing Dimitri’s brow in confusion. I smiled triumphantly, waiting the final seconds as help came barreling down the hallway, help I'd called for after locking those men in that room. Stealing a peek at Knox, I nodded to assure him this nightmare would be over inthree…
“U.S. Coast Guard! Everybody, handsup!”
Letting the handgun fall to the ground, I lifted my arms as they whipped right past me in their protective gear, with weapons drawn, and stormed into the room at lightning speed, knocking Dimitri right onto hisass.
“Don't you move, don't move!” one of them barked as he struggled, but his efforts were futile. Outnumbered and caught off guard, they disarmed him with ease and slapped the cuffs on his wrists, yanking him back onto his feet to escort him up to the top of the ship. And when I say escort, I mean more like dragged. The sight was extremely satisfying despite the malignant glare he shot my way as they exited theroom.
“And the other woman?” one of the Coasties asked as a few more dispersed into the hallway for the men who remainedalive.