Page 22 of Hear Me Roar

“Li-on-ess! Li-on-ess, Li-on-ess!”

From my spot beneath her, I stole a quick glance around the arena. People were free from their seats, bouncing up and down. Others threw their arms in the air as they screamed. I had to make them proud. They were cheering formeand their cheers were going to get us to the end. And the end was going to be

I tossed my fist into her side again, and again,and again,but the last time, I nailed her right in the thigh. She groaned as pain lanced through her leg, and with her grip around my head loosening a little more every second, I threw her off me, onto the mat, and reared myself back, bringing my leg up to her throat. Terra gasped, her face igniting a deep red, and as the ref was getting ready to pull me off, shetapped.

She fucking tapped the mat, desperate to fill her lungs withair.

“TAP OUT!!! TAPPP OUTTT,”the announcer's voice blared amongst the clamoring cheers of victory.“YOU SAW IT WITH YOUR OWN TWOEYES!!!”

Terra’s coach flew into the cage as the referee proudly lifted my arm in theair.


Panting and all, I took one last look at my opponent, defeated tears rolling down her face. Her coach tried his best to soothe her, but she was furious, a sore loser, amplifying the triumph that buzzed through my body. Knox’s eyes were on me – I could feel them honed in on me – and when I snapped my head toward him, he was beaming with pride, as wild as the crowd going off behindhim.


The pro chicks are in for a rudeawakening.

“Where is she?”I heard Reyna squeak as I emerged from theshower.

With a towel wrapped around my body, I followed the sound of her voice, dragging a large comb through my wet curls. When I appeared at the threshold, a surprised Luis – who I didn’t know was there – muttered something that sounded like “Oh shit” as he spun around quickly, in time with Knox’s growl ofdisapproval.

I rolled my eyes. “Relax. You act like he’s never seen a naked chickbefore.”

“He hasn’t seen mine, and that’s not about to change. Clothes, now,” he ordered, tossing me the outfit in myduffle.

“Chill, fucker, I didn’t see shit. She has a towel on,” Luis blurted out, now shielded behind hissister.

“Well, thank fuck for that. Let’s keep it thatway.”

Reyna stood there, giggling away, as I retreated back the way I came before my man had a heart attack. I dressed hurriedly and grabbed all my belongings scattered around the bathroom, bounding back out to where they stood. Reyna swallowed me in a hug so tight, I almost couldn’t breathe. “You fucking slayed outthere!”

“Beginner’s luck,” I quipped, and she pinched myarm.

“That was anything but beginner’sluck!”

“I have to agree,” Luis chimed in, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “You demolished her with your eyesclosed.”

“Kind of like I’m gonna do to you if you don’t back up off her,” Knox gritted out at his bestfriend.

Rey and I giggled while Luis threw his arms up defeated. “Will you chill, please? I didn't see anything. Besides, you’re the one who let me inhere.”

“He has a point, babe,” I agreed, stifling a laugh when his lips thinned as I stuffed everything into mybag.

For once, I wasright.

“Alright, enough,” Reyna interjected, turning toward Knox. “We’ll continue celebrating once we get out of here, but in the meantime, showher.”

I glanced between the two of them, zipping up my duffle. “Show mewhat?”

Knox grinned and pulled out a card-sized envelope from the back pocket of his jeans. The seal was already broken, but he handed it to me as-is, without a word. I’d say my curiosity was piqued, but I’m sure you’ve already figured that out. Pulling out the contents from inside, I noted, upon first glance, it was an invitation. But it wasn’t just anyinvitation...

We loved with a love that was more thanlove.

-Edgar AllenPoe

It is with an abundance of joy andhappiness