He shoves me in the shoulder. “Watch it, only got eyes for your sister. We’re like a coupla teenagers.”
Something I didn’t need to know.“Like I wanna have that image in my head.”
He grins. “The girls talk, then Indigo tells me.”
“So you’re talkin’ about me?”
“No, but she asked if I’d heard if you’re seein’ anyone.”
Great, so now people are noticing.
“Well, you can report back to my nosy sister that I’ve been kinda busy lately. And anyway, she should be happy that I’m not out screwin’ anythin’ that moves.”
“You know your sister, she worries.”
“Thanks for havin’ Eli last night.” I hadn’t exactly told anyone what my emergency was, and Harlem hadn’t cottoned on yet.
“Anytime, Cami adores him, and so do we. Makes me wanna have more.”
“Aren’t you, like, too old to have kids?”
He slaps me upside the head. “Wash your mouth out. Might be older than Indi, but that doesn’t mean I’m over the hill.” He grabs his junk. “Plenty of life left in the old boy yet.”
I glance sideways at him. “Ew.”
I’m about to tell him he’s a kept man with his balls in a sling when Cash comes through the door. The VIP, Ryder, follows behind. “Jesus, fuck, H, put it away,” Cash grumbles.
Harlem slaps me on the back, then takes his place at the table and everyone else follows through the door; Rock and Jett, Tag, Priest, Riot, Hustler, Bronco. Even the Nomad brothers Brew and Haze. Nevada being the loudest, running in late. He and Riot make for the same chair until Cash yells at them to stop acting like children and they sink into their own seats.
“Not gonna beat around the bush,” Cash begins when everyone is settled. “We all know the shit goin’ on with Shaderecently. The boys have been doin’ their best to track her down, but findin’ a woman who’s notorious for disappearin’ is like findin’ a needle in a haystack.”
“Added to that, the bitch knows how to stay off the radar,” Jett agrees. “Last we could see, she left Louisiana and was headed to Texas.”
“Pity the Stilettos couldn’t intercept her,” Riot mumbled.
The Stiletto Riders hail from Saddle, Texas, and they operate an all female MC. They’re hardcore into fixing the state’s trafficking problem, and were instrumental in getting Star’s sister, Tilly, back to her after she was kidnapped and trafficked. Their Prez, Diamond, has a history with Bane, our allies in the Ridgehaven Hellions, Mississippi chapter. Still, those chicks can stand on their own two feet, and they do good work on the border.
“She ain’t gonna let sleepin’ dogs lie,” Cash goes on. “I don’t wanna impose another lockdown, but now that Halo is pregnant and Lace is back, we don’t wanna take any chances.”
“Been lookin’ out for them both,” Riot says. “Got prospects on Halo and Star’s office, and the coffee shop.”
“Noticed.” Hustler smirks. He’s the oldest one of the MC, including Cash, but he’s got a wise head on his shoulders and recently bought Muso’s in the French Quarter. That’s where Lace works. “Could send ‘em in to lend a hand now and again.”
“You mean they’re not?” Ryder quirks a brow, glancing at Cash. “Aren’t they supposed to…”
“Little shits,” Cash mutters. Some of the guys snicker. Cash ignores them and points to Pipes, who was recently patched in. “Gonna make it your job to round ‘em up and make sure they help Hustler out, since you think it’s so funny.”
“Fine by me.” Pipes doesn’t lose the smile on his face. We know he doesn’t mean it. Organizing the prospects is a shitty job, and usually up to Tag or Harlem.
Ever since he saved Deanna’s life, he thinks he is untouchable. It was a few years ago now, but obviously Cash hasn’t forgotten. To put your life in front of the club Prez’s ol’ lady is no mean feat. He deserved to be patched in, but that doesn’t mean that Cash doesn’t still give him shit. Especially when he has a cocky grin, like the one he’s sporting, plastered all over his face. He’s just happy he’s swimming up to his eyeballs in pussy. Which is what I was doing when I first got here. Now the one-night thing has kinda lost its charm, not that the sweet butts don’t still go for me. They do. It’s the broodiness, so I’ve been told, and my pretty eyes. If they’d said it was because of the big dick rumors, I would’ve been a lot happier.
“Until we get a bead on fuckin’ Shade, I don’t want either women out of our sight,” Cash barks. Clearly, he’s got a bee in his bonnet about this.
“Do we take it in turns?” Bronco smiles, cracking his knuckles. This earns him a slap upside the head from Riot.
“Watch it.” He points.
Bronco shrugs. “Lace isn’t claimed, and she’s been hangin’ around the club an awful lot.”