“You won’t shut up about that, will you?” His soft chuckle has me laughing, too.
I was involved in a rescue a short while back, and though Cash may have been out of options where back up was concerned — the rest of the MC had been split up, so I jumped in — it was exhilarating, and kinda scary all rolled into one. I won’t be volunteering to go on anymore rescue missions if I can help it, though I’m glad that Riot was okay, and that I had a hand in freeing him.
“I think I may even be getting patched in.”
Harlem looks up at me, his face softening. “You deserve it.”
I grin. “One day.” The club loves me, I know that, but earning my own patch in this MC would be something else. I ride a Harley, of course, but to earn a patch means you get a cut, too; a motorcycle jacket with your club name on the front, your position, and the club’s logo on the back.
I am just the cook, after all, so I never expect that to happen.
“Hey!” Lace pops her head through the door. She’s Riot’s little sister, and someone I’ve become closer to ever since wespent a night out together at Vault XL; the new male strip joint in town.
My cheeks flush a little when I remember how hot that was, and how Lace was so excited to be partying with her friends. I know she has baggage, not that she’s told me much, but she’s got pain behind those big hazel eyes. I know because I’m really good at reading people.
Lace was also seeing someone who worked at Vault XL, but I assumed she just meant one of the bouncers because she never told me who it was. She spent a lot of time eyeing up another club member, Bandit, while we were there; he’s Indigo’s little brother, also known as Jonah, and a male stripper when he’s not fixing cars.
He’s also very easy on the eyes, covered in tattoos and has a body made for sin. Not that I’ve noticed. He’s also got the sweetest little kid, Eli, who he adores. Indigo confessed that her brother lost his wife in a hit and run while pregnant with Eli and only he survived. The very idea that someone could do something like that still repulses me as much now as it did when she first told me. I’ve always had a soft spot for him. Not that he’s gay or anything. The man gets plenty of chicks, but he’s always very broody and quiet. He and Indigo had a crazy father who ran a rival MC, and all the shit that went on there was bad. I feel for them.
“Hey,Chantilly.”I beam. I love nicknaming people. It’s my thing. “What are you doing in this neck of the woods?”
Harlem gives her a chin lift, his attention still focussed on his large meal.
“I’m just running some errands. Was wondering if you’d like to come?”
Lace moved here recently, and I know for a fact that Riot is worried about her. She can be a little wild. Just how wild, he has no clue. On a night out drinking, I can attest to the factthat she can get pretty loose, though she didn’t take anyone home after the strip club. She’s attractive. Mid-height. Shoulder length honey colored hair. Pretty skin and a rack that I’d have no problem paying attention to if I got the chance. Tits fascinate me, and contrary to popular opinion, I fucking love women.
“I’d love that, can you give me five, buttercup? Just dealin’ with Hungry Horace over here.”
I thumb toward Harlem as he grunts and looks around for the rest of the pie. Lace giggles.
I did make like five, but still, it has to feed the whole committee of ten, and then the stragglers. “If you eat it all, I’m a dead man.”
“Gimme’ one more slice, I won’t say a word.”
“When you say it like that…” I cut him some more, then shoo him out of the kitchen. I should put some damn locks on my doors.
Lace walks closer to me. She looks cute today. She’s wearing a skirt with these suspenders that clip to the hem and stretch up her body, over her crisp white shirt, finishing the look with knee-high boots. Her hair is set in soft waves, her mouth plump and my dick stirs.Jesus.
I’ve not been attracted to a woman like her in a long time. I’ll say it again until I die; it’s about the connection for me. It always has been.
“That smells amazing.”
“Would you like some?”
She shakes her head. “I’d love to, but I’ve got a viewing in about half an hour.”
“A viewing?”
“A rental. I’ve been staying with Hope, but that can’t last forever. I feel bad I’m taking up room on her couch.” Hope is Priest’s sister, she also just moved here some months back.
“Oh, baby girl, you know Hope doesn’t mind, but you need your own space. I get it. You could eat while I drive, if you’d like.”
Her eyes sparkle, and I swallow hard. Maybe it’s the lack of sex, I’m not sure, but my dick is rock hard. “You’d do that for me?”
I grin. “Don’t you know? I’m the shoulder to cry on, the man to lean on, theObi Wanof the MC. I fix all problems. Well, mostly food related problems.”
She laughs. “When you put it like that, how can I refuse?”