I don’t trust him. I don’t trust anyone.
I started hanging out with Toby and Jarrod from my science class. They’re not exactly jocks, or good kids, in fact, I’m fairly sure they’re bad news all round, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Nobody has ever wanted to befriend me, so I’ll take what I can get. They always wanna hang down at the mall, but they never ask me to come. That’s probably a good thing, because I don’t have money anyway, plus, they always get into fights.
“You think those assholes are your friends?” Shep shakes his head; it’s like he can read my mind.
“They don’t bribe me into hanging out with them, or trick me into doing their homework.”
“They’re not good guys.”
“And you are?”
“You think I don’t get heat because I’m seen talking to you?” He quirks a brow.
“That’s so decent of you. Whatever did I do before you came along?” I roll my eyes, flipping him the bird.
“You lived under a rock.”
I can’t deny that it isn’t the truth, but hearing it from him kinda hurts my feelings. It’s stupid, but deep down, I think Shep is a good person. He just can’t be seen with me in public.
I avoid the locker room like the plague, but sometimes I have no choice.
“The freak is undressing,” I hear one of the guys call out when I’m in the locker room later. “Might wanna watch your asses, if you get my drift.”
Snickers and hollers ring out around the small space.
I roll my eyes. “Funny.”
I usually avoid the showers, but coach made us do laps, and there’s no way I’m going to study hall smelling bad.
Shep ignores me, his back to me. I wouldn’t expect him to stick up for me. Aside from his unwanted pep talk the other day, he’s barely said a few words to me.
I’m also dealing with the fact he may have been right about Toby and his gaggle of friends. They smoke weed and now they’re pressuring me to sell for them. Clearly, the idea of me getting caught and kicked out of school isn’t of any concern to them. Still, they’ve notforcedme to do anything. Yet.
“Meet us behind the bike shed after school,” Jarrod tells me. “We’ve got some new shit.”
I turn to Jarrod. “If it’s about weed, count me out.”
Before I can blink, Jarrod has me by the scruff of the shirt. “If you don’t come, I’ll tell everyone you touched me.”
I swallow hard, my heart suddenly racing. “What?”
“You heard me, numb nuts. Be there, or else.”
I shove him off, my hands shaking. I thought we were past all of this, and Shep isn’t here to save me now. Not that he gives a shit.
So I do as I’m told. I like being included in stuff, just not to be used as a pawn in their games. I don’t wanna give my step-dad something new to take out on me. So I show up.
I know it’s a bad move, but I don’t wanna go back to hiding out in the library. I can’t rely on Shep to keep me safe for the rest of my life, that’s not how the real world works. I’ve gotta learn to stand on my own two feet.
“Finally,” Toby snickers. “Thought you’d skipped out on us.”
I’m late because I thought about skipping out several times.
“Yeah.” I palm the back of my neck. “Jarrod said you had some new gear?—”
“Him and his big mouth.” Toby nods over to Jarrod, behind him stands Damien and Lance.Okay, this could get ugly.