Page 40 of Gunner

His hard breath shakes a little on the exhale, revealing just how shaky and tenuous his control is. I want him to lose it completely with me. I want him to do something else that he’s never done before. Surrender.

“I’m not going to turn on any lights. You can follow me to the bedroom. I want you to watch me.”


“You can stand outside the window if that makes it hotter.”

I can’t stand that he looks like he’s going to combust on the spot, but he’sstilluncertain. I link our hands together and squeeze.

“No one should be this tense when they’re about to get a mind-blowing blowjob. Relax like you did on your bike. I could feel how all the bad energy just drained out of you once we got on the road.”

He still can’t do it. His shoulders couldn’t be more rigid if he was craved from stone.

I press a kiss to his cheek. “I like knowing you’re watching. More than anything, that turns me on.”

He shakes his head and rakes a hand through his hair, sending the strands into disarray.

I skip my way to the bedroom, leaving the door open. The blinds are closed in here too. It’s at the back of the house and faces into the backyard and the alley beyond the dumpy garage and decrepit fence.

I unzip my boots and step out of them. The miniskirt unzips at the back and I pull it off, then finish with my bra. I toss them to the end of the bed and crawl on, stopping in the middle. I flip over onto my back, spread my legs, and bring my hand down between my legs.

I’m still drenched and just skimming my finger over my overstimulated clit causes another round of seismic waves to seize my muscles.

“Fuckkkkkk. Mmm, that’s good.”

It almost hurts to touch my clit, but I keep skimming past it, brushing my fingers over my entrance. Gunner wasn’t a tease, but I am.

My heart knocks hard against my ribs when I turn my face and see his massive shadow in the doorway.

“You didn’t mean for this to happen.” I slip two fingers inside. They’re not nearly as wide as Gunner’s were. I don’t get that stretch and burn combination that he effortlessly gifted to me.

“What you’re doing right now? I think you’re the master of your own destiny on this one.”

I grin at him, hoping he can’t see how goofy it is in the dark. He doesn’t have night vision, does he? “And he’s funny too.”

I add a third finger, gasping at the stretch.That’sthe sensation I was chasing.

“I never meant for you to notice me. I never meant for us to meet. I think we talked about that already. I fucked up.”

“I like that you’re self-depreciating. You have no idea how few people can admit to their own faults.”

“Are you going to keep going with that or—”

“I’d really like it if you got in here. it would be so much hotter if I was doing this while gagging on your cock.”

He makes that surprised noise again. I’m not sure when he’ll stop seeing me as an angel and start realizing that I’m a real human woman with real desire and a filthy mouth when I’m not teaching kindergarten or out in the community where anyone can overhear me.

I get the shadow motion of him shedding his leather jacket and tugging his t-shirt over his head. In the dark, he’s even bigger. The shadows give him depth and dimension that he doesn’t have in the light.

I wriggle over and switch on the lamp.

I much prefer this.

He freezes, eyes crashing up to my face.

“You think that I’m the beautiful one, but you’re crazy. You’re the most intoxicating man I’ve ever set eyes on.”

He sighs, exasperated, but he ducks his head. I’m pretty sure it’s to hide his reluctant grin.