Page 62 of Raiden

The dazzling smile never slips, not even when Widow’s dark green eyes mist over. “I’d like that.” She elbows me gently. “You should leave the polish on. I’m sure your dad would love to see Penny’s handiwork.”

I have some shit going on, but I’m secure enough in myself as a man that walking around with pink polish possibly for a week doesn’t scare me. Honestly, the humor and teasing I’ll take from my club brothers would lighten the mood around here and we all need more of that.

“Will you, Uncle Raiden?” Penny asks so hopefully.

“Absolutely, Penster. I’d be happy to show it off.”

Chapter 19


I’m brushing out my long hair after a shower a few days later, staring down the big black duffel that I’ve moved into the corner of Raiden’s room, but refused to unpack. We’re having dinner at his dad’s house in a few hours, so of course that’s whenmydad chooses to call.

He’s a rival prez and still sort of my prez at the same time, but before any of that, he’s my father. I don’t have the option of not answering while I sort out my complicated feelings about the sort of double life I’m living and my torn loyalties.

This is the first time since he’s attempted to call since we all got here, and as I answer, the hair on the back of my neck stands up. “Hey, Dad.”

“Widow. I’m in town.”

Zero fucking preamble, all commanding, iron tones, but that’s my dad for you.

I’m not surprised, but I am suspicious about his timing. The thought of him having me watched like I’m the enemy or untrustworthy, chills me.

I study the brush on the bed, using it as an object of focus to calm down. “That’s good news. I’ve missed you.”

“I want you to have dinner with me tonight. I have something I need to talk to you about.”

I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and bite down. How am I supposed to respond to that? For someone who is supposedly smart, I’m at a loss.

I decide on the truth, because it’s the safest bet. “I’ve made good progress here. If I’m not honest about meeting you tonight, it won’t go well for me.” I don’t know what my dad’s plans are for me, but he doesn’t do anything without a purpose.

“Tell them, then. It’s not meant to be a secret.”

“What if I had something I was meant to be doing tonight?” I hate that it slips out. I shut my eyes at the dead, uncomfortable silence.

“Plans that are more important than your own father?”

Zale can be like that. Manipulative and childish. As an adult, I get a lot of the reasons my mom didn’t want him involved in raising me had nothing to do with distance.

“No, Dad.” My heart plummets into my stomach at the thought of disappointing Raiden. This is one time, but it meant something getting invited. I was half terrified of meeting his dad for the first time and half elated.

Despite trying to blend in before, I was never the kind of woman men brought home to meet their parents.

My fragile hope shatters like glass on concrete.

“When I tell Gray that I’m meeting with you, he’ll insist that he send a few of his men.” I don’t know for certain that he would, but making it seem like he’d press it gives me an easy excuse to bring at least one person with me.

Zale would never hurt me. I don’t believe I’m just a cog in a wheel to him, a pawn, a player in whatever game he’s playing,but having backup in the form of another set of listening ears at my back makes me feel far less torn about this.

“Fair enough. It’s just dinner.”

It’s not just dinner. Nothing gives that away, but I justknow.

“Okay. Can you text me the time and place?”

He laughs. Let him think I don’t know him through and through. He’s not the only one who has been watching and observing. I didn’t need a lifetime or to have grown up with Zale to know him well. He might still be volatile and unpredictable by nature, and I’ve had a blind spot because I also have a soft spot for him, but I do know the basic nature of the beast.

“I’ll tell you right now.” He names a place that sounds like a steakhouse and tells me to meet him there for seven, then hangs up before I can respond.