This time, I do slap a hand over Widow’s mouth before she can blurt something no one needs to hear. She has that devious spark in her eyes. She shoves it down as I try and steer her towards the door, using her body as a meat shield because I’m wearing nothing more than a towel, but keeping well away from her and her body made for sinning.
The second I take my hand off her mouth, she grins at my sister. “It’s not my hands you’ll have to worry about. His neither.”
Lark stalks into the hallway to join us. I bend and whisper in Widow’s ear. “I will destroy you.”
Right in front of my sistershe whips around, breaking the iron hold I still have on her shoulder, and gets up in my space. She’s too tall and it gives her direct access to lick a hot line along my lower lip before she fuckingbitesme. I stumble back, cupping my mouth while Lark hisses and charges forward like a bull seeing red.
Fuck’s sake.
If Widow isn’t a walking bundle of red flags, I’m not sure who is.
Then again, if anyone here knew about all my moments of melting the fuck down, they probably wouldn’t think I’m such shit hot husband material either.
Lark’s arm shoots out, pointing down the hall. “Please leave. I’ll come talk to you shortly.”
I hope Gray plans to have this urgent conversation with me on a bike, riding hard into the open wind, because I need to get out of here.
Then again, maybe my prez didn’t need me, and Lark was passing by, noticed my open door and saw Widow. Quite possibly, she was trying to save me. I don’t need saving. Widow might tempt all that’s holy into the pits of hell themselves, but there isn’t going to be a time where I forget myself and start thinking with my cock instead of my brain.
Even if my lipsareon fire like she injected venom into them.
“Sorry to get up in your business,” Lark whispers as we watch Widow walk down the hall in her bare feet, that tight leather dress clinging to her curves, her body swaying sensually with every step. She hesitates. “Maybe you didn’t want me to chase her away.”
“You can have her with my utter and complete blessing.”
“Oh good.” It sounds quite the opposite. My sister would rather do anything other than have breakfast with my new wife.
Lark is just doing what’s best for the club, as Gray wants. She’s supported him unwaveringly since he was maimed and tortured, letting him lean on her strength when he’s out of his own. We’ve all seen it, and down to a man, we’ve accepted our new queen. It’s still hard for me, but I’m getting there. Lark was a seventeen-year-old girl when I went to prison. She’s a woman now, a mother, made of steel and determination. She doesn’t look like a biker’s old lady, and it doesn’t look like she’s going to give up her love of florals and lace anytime soon.
“Where do you think I should take her?” she asks.
“Fuck if I know what she likes to eat.”
Widow turns at the end of the hall and gives me a look Lark can’t see because she’s got her back to her. Her eyes seem to glow in the overhead lighting and the wide grin on her lips is just for me. She announces very boldly with that smirk just what she’d like to eat, and it happens to be standing out here wearing a thankfully very thick towel.
“Christ, I’m going to get dressed. Take her anywhere. Take her nowhere. It’s up to you. Just as long as it’s far away from me, I’ll be happy.”
Lark frowns. “Gray wants this to work out. He doesn’t want you to fake it, but he thinks that if your marriage fails, no one will have any respect for peace. He’s not going to tell you to force anything, but he wants us all to make an effort to get along.”
Been there and done that with that conversation, little sis.
“Widow isn’t like the men who came here to keep an eye on us. She’s not included in the play nice rules.”
I can tell how torn Lark is. She wants to be on my side. She wants Widow far away and the rest of the men who came with her. She wants Zale Grand dead and in the ground, a different kind of peace restored to the town.
It’s not going to happen—at least anytime soon—so we’re here. I agreed to this of my own free will. I had a choice, but it was me that they wanted for Widow and to turn her down and pass her off to someone else seemed spineless. The fact that she’s Gray’s half-sister only complicates matters further. Zale Grand likely wouldn’t have agreed to let anyone else have his princess. He wanted his irony dished out hot while he lets his revenge plans chill to serve them up ice cold. If I said no, would the peace have been off? I didn’t want to take a chance.
“You’re right.” I close my eyes against the pounding destroying my temples. I once took Gray to the clinic for migraines. I think I can sympathize even more.
“What do you think she’d like to eat?” she asks again.
“Dirt? Souls? Firstborn children?”
“Ray! Come on!”
“I don’t know. I’m way too hungover to even process any of this. You’re probably the only person at that wedding last night who isn’t suffering this morning. I don’t want to talk about food.”
“Widow looked painfully chipper.”