“No, don’t get up. You need to rest for it to work.”
He shakes his regal head, both black horns glinting in the light. “I have to get us out of here.”
“I’ve already checked. There’s no way out. We’re stuck in here for the time being, but you're going to be all right until we can get you help. The most important thing right now is for you to rest and properly heal.”
He meets my gaze. “No one knows we're out here.”
“All is not lost. See.” I show him my tracker and explain how it will allow us to be found.
He pulls out his tablet and frowns at the black, cracked screen.
“It's broken and mine is back there, buried in the rubble. So, we have to wait.” I point to the wall. “It's completely covered.”
“I'm going to get up and check on this myself.”
“No, do not get up,” I say again. “Just lay there. There's nothing to do right now, unless you need to go to the bathroom. Let me know. Other than that, it's just a waiting game.”
He sighs and leans back against the rock.
I sit cross legged next to him, with the light propped between us and my backpack nearby. “I'm relieved to see that we are completely encased in here because at least we weren’t stuck in a small, dark space with predators on the prowl.”
“This is good,” he agrees, his eyes roving all over the area that is visible in our circle of light. “It has even covered the crates. I can't see them anymore. But at least they weren't made from fragile wood. They were made from stone themselves and will most likely survive this crash.”
“I was thinking the same thing.”
He moves his broken arm and examines the bone knitter. “Do not worry female. Erid, the local Sheriff will for a team to find us and dig us out. It'll just take time. They don't know that we're up here. I told Tilden that we were going on this route. So they do know that.”
“They don't know about the cave, though.”
“Erid knows about the cave.”
“But you hadn't brought him here yet, right?”
I point at my backpack. “This is why the tracker will be important, helping them to pinpoint our exact location.”
“Thunder and Leeta will also return to the ranch. Tilden will see them and immediately know something is wrong. Our beasts will help to lead them back here.”
“Do you think they are both okay? I’m worried the beasts were hurt during the earthquake.”
“They were in open space and could run from debris. Thunder would protect his mate and lead her to safety.”
I nod in agreement. “I have some water and meal replacement bars. Do you want some?”
“Yes. I would like that.”
We both eat and drink. I keep sneaking glances at his perfect torso which looks amazing above his black belt and silver buckle.
Then I let out a yawn.
“You look tired.” He lifts his good arm. “Come here and keep me warm,” he orders.
I swiftly scoot over. Soon I’m propped up next to Sten on the floor, and I snuggle into him.
And I fall asleep.
Chapter 10