“Yep,” she says with another eye roll.“It’s exclusive and expensive, which basically ticks the only two boxes when it comes to Richard’s requirements.”
Of course.Mr.Lewis, my late employer, was a member there.He asked me to handle the bank transfer when his renewal came up.I paid his annual fee myself.
Dear God.
I go hot and cold.This could be the answer to the riddle, and I’m scared to death of what I may find.
The waiter stops next to our table.Tersia orders for us, but I barely pay attention.I’m too busy figuring out how I’m going to get into the locker room of a private golf course.
“How are you doing?”she asks when the waiter leaves to place our order at the bar.“And I meanreallydoing?”
“Great.”My smile feels fake.“Claire is growing fast.”
“Yes.”She makes an apologetic face.“Sorry.I was going to ask.”
“We can’t complain.”
“Are you, um, still working at the club?”
“Same old.”
She bobs her head.“In that case, you must be enjoying it.”
I remain quiet as a realization hits me.We’re just wasting our breaths with small talk.It’s not like before when no hurdles stood between us.Now, we’re like strangers—polite and careful.And all of it is my fault.
Seemingly at a loss for words, she looks around the room as if every aspect of it interests her, but it’s just a way of pretending the silence isn’t awkward.
We drink our tea while she poses superficial questions and I offer vague answers.To be honest, it’s exhausting, and when we say goodbye, I’m relieved as well as sad.
A ping announces a text message on my phone.Expecting it to be from Saverio, I fumble with a racing heart for my phone.
It’s from Dante.
My hope plummets.
Are you okay?
Where are you?
When are you coming back?
I type a quick reply.Is everything okay with Claire?
His answer comes immediately.Sure.Sorry.Didn’t mean to worry you.Livy is with her.You haven’t answered my questions.
Sighing, I type,I’ll be there in fifteen.
Dante paces in the underground parking lot of the club when I park my new Volvo.He’s opening my door open before I’ve cut the engine.
“I’ve been worried sick since Livy came back without you,” he says.“I didn’t know if I should call Sav.”
I get out.“I ran into Tersia, and we had tea.Didn’t Livy tell you?”
He eyes the empty backseat.“Where’s your shopping?”
Taking the piece of paper with the inventory from my bag, I hand it to him.“Here.”
He holds my gaze while unfolding the sheet, questions flashing in his eyes.