Detective Jordan raps his knuckles on the desk, startling Claire.“I wanted to share the information in person.”
“Thanks,” I say, battling to keep my voice even.
He stands.“If you happen to remember anything, you know where to find me.”
“I told you everything I knew.”
His smile turns sardonic.“I suppose it doesn’t really matter.Why waste my time?Maybe it’s better to turn a deaf ear to the rumors and give your husband and his enemies enough rope.”
“What rumors?”I ask, my stomach tightening with foreboding.
Obviously enjoying my distress, Detective Jordan leans closer.“That the gangs are stocking up on weapons.In my experience, men don’t buy guns unless they’re preparing for war.The way I look at it, if given enough time, your husband and whoever is out for his blood will kill each other without my interference.And I’ll be sitting back, enjoying the shitshow when it happens.”Saluting me, he heads for the door.“Have a nice day, Mrs.De Luca.”
My pulse drums in my ears, beating out a headache behind my temples.I don’t like what he insinuated.I know he was trying to frighten me in the hope that I’d give him a name, but I’m not stupid enough to believe that will save Saverio.Even if Detective Jordan manages to stop a war by arresting Raphael, Jordan will still go after Saverio.He won’t rest until Saverio is in jail.
I yank open the desk drawer and take out one of the burner phones from the stock we keep.Rethinking it, I put back the phone.Maybe the detective came to rattle my cage, and he has a van parked outside with listening devices.
Instead, I approve the false passport and send a link for a screenshot to the burner phone number Elena provided.Then I bite my nails until Dante gets back from procuring suppliers.
“Hey,” he says, throwing an apple at me.“Picked you up a snack.”
I catch it in midair.“Is it safe to talk here?”
He pauses.“Yeah.We have diverters in place that scramble any foreign signals.You never know who’s trying to eavesdrop.”
“Detective Jordan was here.”
“Motherfucker.”His nostrils flare.“What did he want?”
“Why did he say there’s a war in the making and that Saverio and Raphael are going to kill one another?”
Dante’s face goes blank.
I get up and round the desk.“Dante.”
He raises his hands.“You better talk to Sav about that.”
My already racing pulse goes into overdrive.It’s true.I sense it.“Tell me, Dante.Claire and Livy are implicated.So am I.We have a right to know.”
“Talk to Sav,” he stresses.
“Dammit, Dante.You know Sav isn’t going to tell me anything.You’ve seen how he is.”
Dante purses his lips.
“Please, Dante.Don’t leave us in the dark.I can handle whatever you tell me.What I can’t handle is being stupid and helpless because I’m uninformed.”
He hesitates, working his jaw, and then he curses under his breath.“How did Jordan find out?”
“He didn’t say.He just said there was word on the street about the gangs stocking up on weapons.”
“Fuck.”He brushes back his fringe.“Anya, I?—”
I make my voice hard.“Just say it.”
“Yes, goddammit.Saverio is planning an attack.”
Everything inside me goes still.For a moment, I can’t breathe, and then adrenaline hits my bloodstream, making me woozy.“When?”